Some Random Things

It feels a long time since I've done a 'normal' post on here.

Not that I haven't been posting, I have, just lately it's been about particular things.  The new Lattice Bud shawl pattern, a Colour Collaborative post, the giveaway, the latest podcast episode and so on.  All very enjoyable, I hope, but all with a specific topic of conversation in mind.

This post will be redressing the balance nicely by waffling on in an mainly aimless way, short on words probably, but scattered liberally with visual additions with varying degrees of relevance.  I hope though, that will be no less satisfactory for all that.

The main thing on my mind at the moment is how cold it's turned around here.
It's supposed to be spring in this part of the world and yet the weather has shown a disturbing, yet typical, lack of willingness to do the right thing.  It looks lovely.  It's sunny.  But it's all a rouse.

I bought a rather nice dress the other day and haven't been able to wear it and I dressed the bed up in it's summery blankets ready for the season to come and yet I find I'm turning back to warm woolens again because it is blooming cold!  Mitts and neck warming shawls, I love you so.

I also seem a bit restless and unsettled in my crafty endeavors too.
Lots of ideas, which is good, lots of collections of yarn about which is exciting.  I've been arranging groups of colours here and there and getting excited by the possibilities, but there seems to be no time to get back to them so there they remain.  Some of them have burst free from the craft room and are sitting in various baskets and bags around the house.  Although I love to see them, they are starting to look at me in a rebuking manner for neglecting them.  

I suppose I need to stop flitting around thinking of endless future projects and focus on the here and now.  Maybe not quite one project at a time, but one pattern at a time at least would probably be rational.  At the moment progress is being made, I think.  A little higgledy piggledy perhaps, a little unorganized and hard to pin down but I sure it's there.   

The time is coming to re-focus again though.  I'm not sure I'm quite ready yet but the tide is turning, I can feel it.  These things seem to go in waves I find, don't you?   I'll go and spend a bit of time going through my slightly neglected Omnifocus lists and making sure it's all ship-shape again.  That normally gets me all fired up with lots Getting Things Done energy!  

The Onmifocus* and Getting Things Done* with capitals may or may not be gibberish to you, depending on how much of an organizational/list nut you are.  While not a fully paid up member of the club, I would say I'm slightly more on the 'nut' side of this scale.

*I'm including links for the curious but don't say I didn't warn you. The Mistress of Productivity may end up claiming you for her own!

 I finally got around to ordering the three new Stylecraft Special colours too.  I can't believe it took me so long, they've been out a whole month.  I do love them though, the Storm Blue and the Sage especially.  They would have been so perfect for my Giant Granny Patches and Sampler Blanket, among others I'm sure.

Can't wait to see Lucy's reveal of the Stylecraft competition winner and next new colour either!

S x