And relax.... Sort of!

The holidays are here.  Phew!

So school has finished, the bags are unpacked, the uniform is washed (or chucked) and the feet are well and truly up.  Well, sort of.  We're not having to get up so early at least, which is a very good thing.   We don't always hurry to get dressed, another good thing, especially as far as Little Miss is concerned.  
But as ever, holidays with children are not idle affairs and this week we have a riding lesson every day, a pony day, a trip to the library, play time with a friend and a visiting niece to keep us busy, as well as all the usual mundane chores to fit in.  Yikes.

I think the first steps in the gradual transition from Mummy, 'Entertainments Officer', to Mummy 'Taxi Driver' are beginning with this holiday though.  Today I will ferry her to 3 different locations, tomorrow only 1.  I suppose this will all become very tedious, but at the moment the pockets of time that I get between trips are welcome opportunities to get things done.

The hot play things of the holiday so far are Play-Doh which is having a massive revival at the moment.  Many hours have been spent at the table, rolling, cutting, squeezing and moulding so far.  Colour changing cars, hot and cold water necessary to make the miraculous move from one colour to another.  Watching 'You've been Framed' or 'Brainiac' on You Tube, which makes a refreshing change from 'Pets that make you laugh out loud 2' that was popular for a long time.

But then the subject of pets is also not far away.  The campaign has been under way for some time.  Since she's realised a pony simply isn't going to happen she's turned her thoughts to various different pets. Dogs, rabbits, hamsters and gerbils are all under consideration and she informs me that she's bookmarked a few of her favourite dog breeds that would work best for our family, should we go for that option....

Watch this space eh?

 As for me, I'm trying to take it as easy as I can over the summer.  We'll be going away soon, so I've just started a small and portable little knitting project (top pic) with this amazing yarn, Angora Merino by Regia.  Have you used it?  It's amazing - so soft!  I'll fill you in more on that later though.

I just wanted to tell you grateful I am for all your help and wonderful suggestions for potential yarn and fabric emporiums that I might be able to visit while on the other side of the pond.  I'm not getting so much time to keep up with emails and messages at the moment, always difficult in the holidays.  So, apologies if I haven't gone back to you personally but it really is very much appreciated I promise you.

I'm also most grateful for your input on Flotsam and Jetsam.  Who would have though tassels would be so divisive?  Some of you loved them, others would happily lose them.  Being a well documented lover of 'dangles' of all sorts, I do have to say that I'm all for them but I was most inspired by your thoughts on the subject and (as mentioned on Instagram) have merrily dismantled 'Flotsam' to make a new and improved 'Jetsam'.  I think it's going rather better this time round too, but I'll keep you posted...

: :

Last of all, I just wanted to let you know that the little Flowery Baby Blanket (shown here) is finished.  Yippee moment!  I'm just checking over the pattern and will hopefully get it out before we jet off to sunny climes.

: :

S x

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