Birthday and Presents

So, continuing on from the holiday fun I talked about last time.  We came back from that and then it was straight into birthday preparations.  10th birthday preparations no less!

Lucky we didn't have the massive party to arrange this year.  Instead we had a special day out with a friend planned, including a sleepover, of course.  When did sleepovers become so integral to children's friendships by the way?  I don't remember having sleepovers as a youngster.  Anyway, I digress....  Special day arranged, that left a simpler family tea party at the weekend to ensure that the all important birthday cake could be involved.

I always dread the birthday cake.  Cake decoration is not my area of expertise by a long shot, so it's always a slightly harrowing and tiring experience.  This year wasn't too terrible though.  I was instructed 'anything horsey' would be acceptable, which allowed for a shaped tin to be involved.  Always helps, a nice shaped tin to work from.  I decided to make mine a Little Pony rather than a regular horsey.  Partly because Little Miss loves MLP and partly because it's easier to make bright coloured icing than natural browns I reckon.  Win-win!

Awkwardly, as well as wanting it to be a surprise, she also wanted to help me make some cakes.  She's rather into baking lately.  The Great British Bake Off is a bit of a favourite around here, so I also whipped up a batch of cupcakes so she could decorate those in the morning too.  Honestly, like there wasn't enough to do!

Still, she put in effort too.  Nails were all painted for the big day and she loved it, so it was worth while.
The sad thing is of course, that the older you get, the smaller the packages become and it was only a fairly teeny box that she got this year.  It did contain a brand new phone of her own though, so although small, the responsibility is quite big.  She was very chuffed with it and the fact that we're trusting her with it and so let's hope she lives up to the challenge and it doesn't get lost on the first day!

: :

Of course, this means I still haven't told you about the yarny stuff yet.  I shall keep you ticking over with a few tantalising pics.  I'm hoping to get a podcast in very soon and then I'll be able to show you everything in all it's fabulous details.

In the meantime, here's some pics to keep you going.

: :

First from Fibre East, just down the road from me...

And then all the way from the US of A...


I'll tell you more soon, very soon...

S x

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