Flotsam and Jetsam, Take 2

Goodness me, I'm all in a whirl around here I can tell you!

It's all this excitement around the Spice of Life CAL that's just filled my mind at the moment and I'm on a bit of a high with it all to be honest.  The response has been amazing and it's all thanks to you guys for joining in and to the lovely folks at Black Sheep Wools of course!

But more on that a little later...

First of all I just wanted to share with you, before summer is a long distant memory, a very summery shawl.  Or is it a scarf?  I'm not sure, it's a strange thing...

I don't know if you remember but I posted about these two scarfy-shawl things that I'd made before I went away.  The plan was to make a sort of ragged and untidy type of shawl to drape around the neck and I wanted to have a 'washed up at sea' type look about it.  Don't ask me why!

Well, neither of them once made were exactly what I was aiming for and so I was all ready to give up the idea as a terrible one.  But, good people that you are, you convinced me that all was not lost and that maybe, somewhere in the wreckage was an idea that could work.

So I had another go!

I unravelled 'Jetsam', thinking I had two balls of the white Beachcomber and then sort of blended both the ideas together.  The stitches and construction are much closer to the 'Flotsam' style, but I've made it more in the 'Jetsam' shape.  It's still got lots of hanging, bedraggled tassels, which I felt were essential for this weird thing but I'm much, much happier with the shape and the way it hangs.

I wanted it to tumble down in a kind of staggered way.  Sort of ripped and half falling apart, with lots of 'bits hanging off'.  You know, I do love this funny thing I've made but it doesn't half seem barmy when you talk about it.  I really can't explain the whys and wherefores in the thinking behind this one.

In the last post I described the look I was going for as 'discarded fisherman's net'.  Not a natural thing to want to wear near your neck I confess.  But what can I say?   It's an oddity, but I'm mighty pleased with my little bit of Flotsam and Jetsam!

: :


Just in case you haven't heard about my blanket and the fabulous Crochet Along that going to be happening soon, I thought I'd just mention it again here for those that would like to get involved.

The first part of the pattern will be out next week, on Tuesday the 22nd September so there is still plenty of time to order your yarn pack, or dive into stash and join in the fun!

Check out this Spice of Life Launch Post to find out more.
How to order yarn packs, get the pattern downloads, and get social with us!

I hope you'll join me!

S x

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