Spice of Life CAL - Part 3

So are you ready for the new part?  I hope so!

I've been seeing some absolutely amazing blankets so far and we've only just started out.  I can't wait to see how they grow, it's been so inspirational already, so well done.

And a very special well done if you are a beginner who has managed to complete the dreaded first row and got the hang of working back and forth.  This part is always a challenge so give yourself a well deserved pat on the back for that!

Spice of Life CAL


The sections we work this week only make use of the two basic crochet stitches, double crochet and treble crochet but combines them to make some new stitch patterns.

Before starting work on the pattern, please do take a moment to read through all of this post.  It is a little wordy I'm afraid but I wanted to help you make your blanket a success so it'll be worth reading it before you put hook to yarn.

: :   UPDATE   : :

This pattern is now available to purchase as a complete downloadable PDF file

Please see the Spice of Life Page for details

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As with any pattern, make sure you read all the information carefully and remember to refer to the photos included to help you.

Section 2: Stacked Grannies
Although this section also uses granny stitches, note that the rows are worked in a different way and that the groups of treble stitches (US - dc) are separated by a chain this time.

This section also has rows of double crochets (US - sc's) 
Remember that it is very easy to work double crochets at a tighter tension than rows of just treble stitches, so you may need to work these double crochet rows a little looser. 

Section 3: Big Dipper
This pattern section includes rows of double crochets (US - sc's)  so you'll need to watch your tension in this section too.

Section 4: Stacked Shells
Rows 2, 4 and 6 of this section are made using stitches separated by chain stitches.  It is also very easy to make these chains a lot tighter than you would normally crochet.  So you will need to also watch your tension and if necessary work the chains in these rows looser.

For those used to working with US terms, you'll need to make sure you use the correct stitches for this section to work out.  Check the 'Tutorial Links' below if you are not sure.

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As this is a mixed stitch pattern blanket, it is very easy for your tension to vary over the different sections.  If you are having problems with the blanket coming in at the sides after working any of these three sections, here's some things you can do:

Loosen your tension
We tend to naturally work chains and double crochets tighter than we work rows of treble stitches, so you could try consciously working rows of dc's or rows with chains a little looser

Use a larger hook
If you are finding it hard to adjust your tension for these rows, try using a larger hook instead.
Just remember to change back to your regular size hook for the other rows

In the last section I'll also be explaining how you can block you blanket.
This is a great way to even out the blanket overall at the end.

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Double Crochet Stitch (US - Single Crochet)
Treble Crochet Stitch (US - Double Crochet)

For beginners looking for more help getting started, you can find out more about working in rows and changing colours in this post:

Spice of Life - Beginners Special

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This part contains 3 new sections to add to your blanket
We'll be working a total of 21 rows this week

Remember that this pattern is written in UK terms
If you are in the US, you'll need to refer to the 'Stitch Terms' in Part 2 to see which US stitches to use.
(Also see the 'Tutorial Links' above)

Section 2:  Stacked Grannies

In YARN F work:

Row 1:  3ch [counts as 1st tr], 1tr in the same place [1st st], *1ch, skip 3 sts, make 3tr’s into the next st [makes a ‘shell’], repeat from * to * all the way along the blanket until only 4 sts remain, 1ch, skip 3 sts and make 2tr into the last st. [38 ‘shells’]

In YARN H work:

Row 2:  1ch, 1dc in same place [1st st], 1dc in next st, *1dc in ch sp, 1dc in next 3 sts,* repeat from * to * along the row until the last ch sp, 1dc in ch sp, 1dc in each of the last 2 sts.

Row 3:  As Row 1 in YARN F
Row 4:  As Row 2 in YARN H

Now work ‘Treble Rows’ as follows:

Row 5 & 6: YARN D

Section 3 : Big Zipper

In YARN C work:

Row 1:  1ch, 1dc in same place [1st st], 1dc in each remaining stitch to end of the row.

Row 2:  3ch [counts as 1st tr], 1tr in same place [1st st], *skip 2 sts, (1tr, 1ch, 1tr) into the next st [makes a ‘V stitch’],* repeat from * to * to the last 3 sts then, skip 2 sts, 2tr’s into last st.  [51 ‘V stitches’}

In YARN A work:

Row 3: 3ch [counts as 1st tr], 1tr in same place [1st st], *skip 2 sts, (1tr, 1ch, 1tr) into the next ch sp [makes a ‘V stitch’],* repeat from * to * until the last ch sp has been worked then, skip 2 sts, 2tr’s into last st.  [51 ‘V stitches’}

Row 4:  1ch, 1dc in same place [1st st], *1dc in next 2sts, 1dc in ch sp,* repeat from * to * until the last ch sp has been worked then, 1dc in last 3sts.

Now work ‘Treble Rows’ as follows:

Row 5 & 6:  YARN J

Section 4: Stacked Shells

In YARN M work:

Row 1:  1ch, 1dc in same place [1st st], *skip 2 sts, 5tr into next st [makes ‘shell’], skip 2 sts, 1dc into next st,* repeat from * to * to end of the row.  [26 Shells]

In YARN B work:

Row 2:  5ch [counts as 1tr, 2ch], *skip 2tr, 1dc in middle tr, 2ch, skip 2tr, 1tr in dc, 2ch* repeat from * to the end of the row, ending the last repeat with a tr into the last dc.

TIP ~ If you are finding the rows of this section pulling in at the edges, you need to make the chain stitches on Row 2 looser.

Row 3:  1ch, 1dc in same place [1st st], *skip 2ch, 5tr into dc [makes ‘shell’], skip 2ch, 1dc into tr,* repeat from * to * to end of the row, ending the last repeat with a dc into the 3rd ch of the beg 5ch of the row below.  [26 Shells]

Row 4: As Row 2 in YARN I
Row 5:  As Row 3 in YARN I
Row 6:  As Row 2 in YARN E

In YARN E work:

Row 7:  3ch, [counts as 1st tr], *2tr into ch sp, 1tr into dc, 2tr into ch sp, 1tr into tr,* repeat from * to * until the last dc has been worked, then make 2tr into the last ch sp and 1tr into the 3rd ch of the beg 5ch of the row below.

Now work ‘Treble Rows’ as follows:

Row 8:  YARN H
Row 9:  YARN L

Happy Crocheting!

: :   UPDATE   : :

This pattern is now available to purchase as a complete downloadable PDF file

Please see the Spice of Life Page for details

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S x

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