Some Things

Before I begin I'd just like to say thank you to all of you that have purchased my Peek-a-Boo Baby Blanket pattern.  I'm so pleased and grateful that you're interested in my makes and are even willing to spend your hard earned pennies on them.  It means such a lot, it really does.
As ever, I want to tell you that you are awesome, because you are.

: :

And now we are going to begin and I don't really know where to start.
My life at the moment is really just far too dominated by the all consuming presence of the pup.  When we last spoke about it I said that my little world had been turned upside down and to be honest, it hasn't righted itself yet.  In that post I also mentioned the hope that routine would begin to establish itself and that it might bring some relief.

Well, it is true to say that it has established itself to some extent.  There is a sort of rhythm to our days now and that has indeed helped a bit.  The only thing is that this new routine does not really allow much time for anything other than puppy care.  I do not exaggerate when I say that leaving the room comes with a high price tags these days.

Still, whatever I can achieve from the dubious comfort of our dining table I am free to indulge in while he sleeps.  The heady ambitions of being able to hoover upstairs, have a shower or make dinner with ease may seem like far off dreams right now but knitting and crochet I can do almost anywhere!

At the moment I'm using my woolly wool that I got a Festiwool to knit up some Dale socks.  Look how woolly that wool is too!  You might know, especially if you are a podcast viewer, that I do not fare well with wool.  Merino is fine, but your common-or-garden wool I find to be just too itchy for me.  So this represents be a bit of a departure for me and is the reason I'm going for socks rather than anything that will be against more sensitive parts.

I'm loving how my Dale's are coming up.  They are by Molly of a Homespun House and I have coveted them for a while so it's nice to be working them up at last.

I've also found some time to work on the pattern for my Christmas Stocking that I made on a whim last year.  I've been meaning to get it written up in time for this year's festive season and I think I'm almost there.  I know some of you liked the idea of making some as cozy socks to wear as well, so I've been tweaking things so that it will work for proper socks too.  I'm quite pleased with how they've come out.

Me making a crochet sock pattern - I didn't see that one coming!

Other than that, I find myself sitting here planning out future projects.  I've been winding things ready but I'm sticking to one thing at a time at the moment.  I can't cope with anything else right now.

I'm still refereeing the very tentative relationship between cat and dog.  They are both cautious and yet antagonistic towards each other at the moment.  I've threatened to shove them together in a box for 24 hours and just live with whichever of them survives, but was inexplicably outvoted.

I'm admiring how well my penstemon are enduring, a testament to how mild it's been, despite me feeling like winter is most definitely trying to rear it's ugly head.  I've spent the week trying to keep cozy indoors, drinking hot and spicy drinks, adding extra fairy lights for their warming twinkle, getting out more layers of wool to wear and catching up on podcasts.

I was thinking of somehow trying to fit in another podcast before the end of the year.  I'd then have the grand amount of 7 episodes to show for the 12 months that have almost passed.  What a prolific vlogger I could claim to be if I manage it!

S x

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