Christmas Things
We managed to summon up the energy to 'do the tree' at the weekend.
For the first year in a while, I really wasn't looking forward to it. Boxes, glass baubles and fairy lights everywhere with a puppy in the house? No thanks! For those of you that don't do the IG thing, I can tell you that luckily though it wasn't too bad once we got going. Thankfully we have a pen for him that we were able to construct handy fencing out of to keep pup and temptation well separated.
I haven't gone as full on as I usually would, we're running at about 65% this year I would say. Sheer exhaustion prevented the full decking of the halls, but there is no doubt that the festive season is upon us when you look about the place. I'm glad to see it now it's done. That twinkly glow and glittery shine really does get the seasonal cheer going and it feels good.

Winter Warmers
Just a few little oddments that are in my eye line to share with you today. Winter woollies are never far away at this time of year around here. I must say I'm enjoying seeing my new shawl creation just hanging around the place, as much as I like wearing it. And that's the inside of the Dale socks. They are all done now, as I showed you on the podcast, but I was rather pleased with how the inside looked too.
Oh Christmas Tree
I was completely inspired by Melisa (Coffeepaperyarn on IG) who turned my Summer Lace Bunting triangles into Christmas trees. Such a clever idea, I just had to have a go. I added a little star and some string to mine so I think I'll use them as tags.
Totally Scrappy
I'd really like another blanket for the puppers to have in his crate, so I've started something very simple that required no brain power and is going to be as scrappy as you can get. I'm using leftover bits of Cascade 220 that I got for my Colour Theory blanket. It's just rows of trebles (US dc's) and I'm picking a colour and using it till it runs out and then picking another colour. It's going to be great for using every last little bit of a ball.
It's an idea I'm thinking of using in a slightly different way on another blanket, so this is a bit of a trial run. The look I'm sort of aiming for is pretty much 'hot mess' so we'll see how it goes. I think I might also felt it up after it's done as this is pure wool and it'll make it more resistant to doggy teeth.
My advent socks are rocketing along. In fact I need to slow down a bit or they won't last me until the 24th. That's why I've started the 'Hot Mess' blanket to intersperse it with, so I can pace myself a little. I'm loving making them though. The yarn is 100% merino and although using a yarn without any nylon or other form of strength probably isn't the brightest idea (I'm hard on socks), I do really love the feel of it. I'll just have to be gentle with these ones.
S x