Swift Sewing

You join me today on what is a very dismal and damp kind of day.  Very grey skied, very British.  Blah.

Thankfully I took the pictures for this post at the weekend when things were a little brighter.  I think the pictures might do a little to counteract the gloom outside too, they are quite cheery and bright.  Much nicer to focus on.

Now I've finally crowbarred a little sewing time back into my life (yippee!) I've been able to tick off something that's been sat on the old crafty to do list for ages.  It's pouch for my trusty wooden swift.  One of the great joys in life, well a yarny life at least, is cracking open a fresh hank of beautiful yarn and winding it up.  It's always an exciting moment, setting it all up, cutting the ties and starting to wind.  How does it feel?  How will it look wound up?  And most excitingly, the anticipation of casting on!

My swift is one of those simple Amish design ones which I preferred the look of over the umbrella style contraptions for some reason.  I liked that it packed away so neatly and was easy to store in it's cardboard box.  That plain box does nothing to excite the senses though and has now seen better days.  It's is a reasonably well used bit of kit in my crafting arsenal and I've been meaning to make something equally neat and easy but hopefully a little prettier to store it in.

So this was my solution, another pouch.  Yep, I'm pouch crazy at the moment I know but it did seem to be the perfect thing for the job.  Easy to slide the parts in, easy to whip those draw strings closed, perfect.  I even added compartments so that the long arms and the stand don't get all jumbled up together in the bag.  Nothing too technical, I just sewed a line down the center of the lining only.  It seemed to work out ok.

I also needed a smaller 'pouchlette' for the little wooden spokes that set the diameter and hold the hank in place.  They had originally been in just a small polyethene bag so this is a very posh home compared to what they are used to but again, it seemed the simplest and easiest way to store them, so why not?

I love that I found a great way to use my little toadstools fabric.  It's one of Tash Noel's designs and I've had it stashed for a while.  I love that it's being used for such a prominent item that I will see a lot of.  It was only that thought that made cutting into it bearable really.  I also, as usual, had fun with adding a few extras.  This idea, of fabric stamps, is lifted straight from the great and talented Amy, she is such a sewing star!

Yep, I love having some prettiness to my packaging and storage solutions I have to say and it's just one more reason to get excited about pulling out the swift.

S x

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