It can sometimes seem like knitters have all the fun. Exciting fiber festivals full of all those gorgeous hanks of yarns in luxurious fibers and the myriad of spectacular colour combinations dreamt up by ingenious indie dyers. A hank or two here and there is a glorious treat to be savoured in socks, a hat or shawl. You could even run to three of four maybe and have yourself a garment to treasure.
But all this seems very much directed at the knitting world. When I think of crochet I'm usually thinking about the colour, many of them usually, in a scarf or blanket or some such. Maybe I'll want 8 or 10 or 12 different shades to really enjoy the combinations I can create. Not really so practical for most of our pockets, especially if you fancied a blanket!
But there's absolutely no reason why we crocheters can't get in on this fun and enjoy some of these glorious beauties too. We can make hats, mitts and shawls every bit as pleasing to the eye and I can't recommend enough the joy of working with something a little more luxurious.

That was sort of why this shawl came about really. I treated myself to some smooshy and fabulous Alpaca Sock by The Wool Barn at Fiber East last year and it was just crying out to be make into something soft and snuggly to wrap around me. The colour, which is actually undyed, is just a gorgeous soft hazy grey and make me think of Victorian smoggy streets and misty Autumn mornings.
Which was the inspiration for this pattern I think. I knew I wanted something with a delicate and decorative border that would frame a more simple and yet still interesting center. The little puff pattern that I ended up with I just love and it really helps hold the warmth and show off the fluffy puffy halo that this yarn gives.
As much as I love and adore my beautiful grey version, I had a hunch that this shawl might work well in two or three colours and so I had to try that out too. I had some really squishy and yummy Regia Angora Merino in just the right colours and I'm so pleased with how it came out. It's another yarn with that nice softness to it that I think works so well for this shawl.
My testers have been busy with the pattern and I'm so happy to say they have done me incredibly proud and every one of them has made an absolute gem of a shawl. Their colours choices and combinations have been really wonderful and inspiring.
I'm also very pleased that they were able to give my chart for this pattern the thumbs up too. It's by far the most ambitious chart I've attempted so far and it's such a relief to know that it's up to the job. I hope that it will help many of you as I know there are a lot of chart lovers out there and it does help so much in cases where there is a difference of language to consider.
I'm wonderfully proud then to be able to say that the pattern is now available!
: : V I C T O R I A S H A W L : :
Sandra Paul
Written pattern in UK crochet terms
(US Translations included)
Crochet Chart
For full pattern details see
Victoria Shawl pattern page
(Correct price will be shown before purchase.)
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I really hope that you'll enjoy working on the pattern and as always, I'd love to see your pictures in my Ravelry group, or you can tag with #VictoriaShawl on Instagram
S x
(Correct price will be shown before purchase.)
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I really hope that you'll enjoy working on the pattern and as always, I'd love to see your pictures in my Ravelry group, or you can tag with #VictoriaShawl on Instagram
S x