Yarn Play

I've been indulging in that most pleasurable of past times, yarn play!

I've been faffing about in the craft room a little as last week I had a compelling urge to have yarn on my shelves.  I blame podcast watching for this compulsion.  I do have yarn hanks dotted about there and there but they are overflowing their baskets now and keep falling off the safety of the heap and  into the dangerous floor zone.  There's always the fear that one may stray when the puppers and his over active jaw are about.  Not a happy thought.

So I had a little re-jig and found a couple of spots for them to live instead.  
I'm not sure how well that'll work long term as it might be a pain to get those boxes they are next to in and out.  It may not be practical but for the moment prettiness is winning and that's where they've stayed.

I've also had my trusty old Stylecraft Special shade cards out again to play with.
Honestly, a grown woman probably shouldn't have so much fun playing with bits of card and string, but let me tell you, she really does!

I'm working on a idea that I've had for a long, long time to make a little time to revisit some of my old blankets and see if I can't make things a little easier for those of you who might want to make something similar, or maybe even follow along with my original blanket idea.

So often in the past when I've made my blankets I've never been able source all the colours I've wanted to use from just one yarn brand.  That's meant that I've always ended up with almost exactly the shades I've wanted for my projects, but I've had to settle with a real mixture of brands and in some cases even fiber content, to get the look I wanted.

Of course things have moved on a little since I first started crocheting blankets and I was interested to see if I could put together a palette now, just using the new and improved Stylecraft Special range of colours...  I've started with my Grannie Goes Large.  It's so much fun playing with the cards, sorting through colours and see how well things match up.

It's still pretty hard to find a match to them all but I'm really pleased with how close I could get with the overall feel of the blanket.  Of course, I had to have a bit of a test run too...

Before I go I just wanted to take a minute to just say a huge and very grateful thank you to each and everyone of you that's bought and downloaded a copy of my Victoria Shawl pattern.  (Which I'm modelling very badly for you here!)

Honestly, the response to this one has been so amazing and I never fail to be surprised when you are as excited as I am about one of patterns.  I'm so appreciative of your wonderful comments, likes, shares and tags about it and of course, so very happy and grateful for your support.

Thank you!

Also, if you are interested in buying a copy of this pattern then do remember to get in before my offer runs out as it's available at a reduced price at the moment.  Details below...

-: Victoria Shawl Introductory Price Now Available :-


(EU Vat added after clicking link)

This offer will end on 17th March 2016 at midnight GMT
Usual price will be £3.50 (plus EU vat)

S x


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