Some Things

I seem to have been a little absent lately.  I've not been posting so much or as active on social media as usual.  I don't seem to have a lot to say all of a sudden.  I'm not sure why really, I just don't seem to have much to share at the moment.

I'd like to say it's because I've been busy doing other productive or exciting things, like making good headway with the enormous task of decluttering and house packing or gallivanting around with friends having fun.  Alas, neither of those things are true and although I know I've been beavering away filling my days, there seems very little to show for it.  If my to-do list was a little shorter that would be some consolation, but even that is still ponderously long.  Prehaps I have simply fallen through a wormhole in space-time and jumped forward to here from two weeks ago.  I expect that's it. 

So today I thought I'd scratch around and see if I could rustle up something from the bottom of the bloggy cupboard to see what I could find to serve up for you and here's what I've come up with....

Garden Office

I'm determined to make the very best out of those days when the sun decides to shine this year.  It's something that's been lacking from my regular routine in the last year to two and I miss it.  When I was less busy, grabbing a few hours to wallow in the sunlounger with some pleasurable crafty task or other was easy to do.  Now, I spend so much more 'quality' time with my laptop, that little joy has become harder to achieve so I'm going to try and make it happen, in some form or other.  It is often going to mean taking the technology outside with me, but so be it.  The screen is a little hard to see but the feel of the warmth of the sun and the sounds of the garden are more than worth it.

Sun Worshippers

I'm not the only one who wants to be outside in the sun either, Bertie absolutely loves it.  Any bright day and he wants to be out in the garden constantly and if the garden isn't available, he'll seek the sunniest patch of the carpet and lay there.  It's infectious apparently, he's got the child joining in!

 Spring Garden

May is possibly my favourite month.  It's usually reasonably sunny, often without being too hot.  The blossoms come out and look beautiful and it's the time when my garden is at it's best.  Everything is coming to life beautifully and nothing has yet been ravaged by rampaging slugs or the heavy rains and wind that seem to feature strongly in English summers these days.  It's another reason why it makes me so happy to be outside at the moment, so I can make the most of it while it lasts.

I shall miss my garden when I move.  At our new place the garden is quite a bit smaller.  That's good because as the only person with any real enthusiasm for gardening in our house, our current one is a lot for me to look mostly single handled.  I'll be getting a blank canvas when we move though.  I think there's a small shrub in one corner and a tiny tree in the middle of the lawn which I believe might not be staying.  It's exciting and I'm looking forward to turning it into a lovely little green and flowery haven, but in the meantime I will miss the relaxing calm of our more established garden.

I'm hoping you like garden pictures?  I'm thinking I'll need to put the crochet hook down sometimes and put some work in on the new one when we get there, so I'll probably have more to share.

Stitching Revolution

Very much spurred on by Sue of the Legacy Knits Podcast, I've find that I've joined the #stitchingrevolution!  I haven't done any cross stitch in the longest time but watching the podcast made me think that it might be nice to drag out the embroidery floss again.

I pinned this house on my Cross Stitch board an eon ago and I love it.  I also happened to have this rather perfect linen style needlework fabric in stash too so it seemed fate was on my side.  I've been working on this a lot lately.  It's much more intricate than anything else I've done, the fabric is 28 count and that fairly teeny to me but I'm enjoying it so, so much!

 Peachy Perfect

The other main thing I have on the go at the moment is this bundle of peachy perfection.  This is going to be a shawl, yes another one!  We've had a difficult start and I've been battling with this one for weeks now.  The idea I had has been a tricky little customer to pin down in way that I'm happy with, but now I'm making progress and I am so in love!

I'm using Alpaca Sock yarn from The Wool Barn again and that peachy colour, Lotus, is just utterly gorgeous.  I included a close up at the top so you can see a little clearer.  Isn't it just amazing?  Oh it makes me so very happy.

: :

Well that's it for now.
I'm happy I managed to find a few things to share after all.  I hope you enjoyed them.

I shall try to be back soon although I think things might be a little sporadic for a while...  I really must stop hiding my head in the sand and make a serious start on packing this house up and as we seem to have a crazy amount of stuff I think it's going to be a rather mammoth task.
Arrgh... wish me luck, I'm going to need it!

S x

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