
I don't know what it is, but it seems that dithering is what Sandras do best at the moment. 

Is there something in the air?  It feels like a few bloggers are struggling lately, I know I've read a couple of posts on that theme.  Maybe it's the natural consequence of a few years of post writing.  But my posts have always been more about completed projects than anything else and it's probably the lack of those that are causing me trouble right now.

Maybe it's just the time of year...  As a Mummy, it is the school year that defines my yearly cycle far more than the calendar one does and in those terms, the end of year is marked by the long summer holiday.  If September is my New Year, when I'm full of reforming zeal, fresh ideas and list ticking, then July marks my weary, worn out trudge to the finish line.

Despite that though, some small amounts of progress are being made.  There is light at the end of the tunnel on a couple of crafty concoctions, which always helps.  There are a few other things which have been quietly stagnating in the background that might finally be reaching some sort of conclusion too, even if it may not be in quite the way I anticipated.  So, at glacial speeds, there is movement.

At least I have been with my camera a little more lately, so although things to share are thin on the ground, I thought I'd say with pictures this time.  I hope you won't mind that and I hope I'll have a little more of substance for you soon...

S x

PS: The coaster in the second picture I got from the Felt Folk stand at Yarndale a couple of years ago.

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