Is this Summer?

I think that summer has finally arrived...
The sun is shining, the sky is blue-ish and it's actually hot!
I'm supposed to be podcasting today but I can't bring myself to sit inside and do it I'm afraid because these sorts of days have been especially few and far between here this year and a heatwave, however short, be must be enjoyed. Carpe diem and all that.
So today I am going to do what I did yesterday and sit outside, move as little as possible and just soak it up. Well, not soak as such, I tend to enjoy my hot days from the comfort of some shade when it gets to this time of year but you get the gist.
Taking some time to just sit and work on something all day feels like such an indulgence. I don't often give myself 'days off' really. I try and make sure I do something productive and worthwhile in an attempt to justify my staying/working at home existence in some way. But you know what, it will be the summer holidays very soon and as fun as they are, they are work. Even if it is of a different sort.
Next week there will be plenty to be doing, places to be going, entertainment to be arranged. Suitcases to pack, time to be imaginatively occupied and probably things to glue, cut, paint, assemble and tidy up. Don't misunderstand me, it will all be immensely good fun and I shall enjoy it very much but it generally leaves little room for quiet, still, restful moments.
So I think I'll grab a few of those while I can...
S x