Basket Basket Giveaway Winner!

Wowzers everyone!

Thank you so much for your fantastic response to this giveaway and your kind words about these beautiful baskets.

There were an amazing XXX entries and it's been really lovely to read them all and find out all the wide and wonderful things that this basket might be used for.

As is only right and proper, yarn and our yarny projects featured very highly  on the list of things to keep inside, some of you also hoping to save your precious stash from curious pets in the process.  I can relate to that problem, that's for sure.

I really liked the idea that some of you wanted to use the basket to transport your projects to your yarny meet-ups or elsewhere, what a great idea.  A reminder too that I really must time a seek a similar such meet-up myself sometime soon.

Others thought maybe picnics, shopping or toy storage would be the best use and someone even suggested a dachshund might be popped inside!  Yep, I can confirm that they do fit, if that helps... ;)

So, without further ado, let me announce that the number number generator has been consulted
and our winner is....

Lesley White

who said...

"Can't wait for you to reveal your latest project in the basket. I would love one of those baskets so I could stop Mollie my cat using it as YET ANOTHER bed station and sleeping on my work in progress blankets as you can close it up."

Congratulations to you!

I'll pass your details to Virginia of Basket Basket and a lovely hand woven beauty will shortly be on it's way to you.

: :

Thank you so much to everyone that entered and for taking to leave such interesting comments.

S x

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