A new year and a new start

Hello everyone, happy 2017!

So, things are getting back to normal again.  School is back in session and I can feel the comforting rhythm of routine starting to  wrap around me once more.

I hope you had a very lovely time this last couple of weeks?  Not everyone celebrates of course, but I hope you had fun and a chance for rest and relaxation, whatever you were up to.

I very much enjoyed our Christmas this year.  School broke early and Little Miss had a whole week free before the big day.  Although the extra time could be a potential drawback for a child, having to wait so many days with no nice shiny new presents to play with, I viewed it as an unusual bonus which we  needed to take advantage of.  So Hubby booked time off too and we went away for a couple of days and visited the Christmas market in Winchester.  

The weather wasn't particularly kind to us and our merry walk around the festive market turned ever so slightly into an increasingly damp trudge around some wooden huts but we did our best to put a brave face on it.  The highlight for Little Miss was the outdoor skating rink, which we all enjoyed.  It was undercover too, which was a definite plus.  After a whole day in the cold and wet we decided to settle for a warm hotel and a room service dinner to finish and I have to say, it was a great choice.  We each had a tray of delicious food and then snuggled up together to watch a film, it was rather perfect.

: :

It has been feeling rather colder since Christmas though, the temperature has noticeably dropped in the last couple of days especially.  We've had some crisp frosty days but I rather like that because it usually means a nice clear blue sky above and that brings me joy summer or winter.

Winter can be a bit of a slog, but there are some things to enjoy.  I love the contrast of the cold whites and greys of outdoors with the snuggly yellowy orange warmth of indoors.  The joy of yarny things to wrap up in, the warming glow of candles and fairy lights, the bubbling of something tasty in the pot.  The feeling of a hot cup of tea warming your hands, home made blankets to hide in, some cozy sofa hooky time and a good excuse to get into the pj's early.

: : 

The New Year is the bit I've been really looking forward to.  Although I not too fussed about making a big celebration of the turning of a calendar page, I do love the fresh, new start feeling you get from the first day of the first month.  Time to turn over a new leaf, make changes, tidy, sort and organise.  Oh yes, very much my kind of thing.  Somehow I seemed to miss out on that feeling in the last couple of years, but this time it's back with avengeance and I want to make the most of it!

I want to set myself some goals, get things I've let slide under control, try new things, learn new things and make some changes.  I'm not even sure I know what changes, I just know I need some.  I don't know why but lately I find this last part particularly hard.  Still, I'm going to try all the same.

S x

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