Granny Keep Warm Set

You pretty much must have the patience of a saint if you follow me.

At least if you fancy having a little go at any of the patterns that I talk about from time to time.  I show you something I'm working on, I say it's going to be a pattern and then it takes me forever and a day to get around to getting said creation to a stage where I can actually share it with you.... and meanwhile, you're waiting, waiting, waiting.  Arghh, I'm so sorry!

It's the same pitiful tale with this particular cowl and mitts set, which I made very nearly a year ago.  I talked about it way back on podcast 3 apparently.  Well I'm finally, at last, here to say it's ready.  Yay!

Since the I made the original, I've made another set in different colours, inspired by a new jacket that I got as a pressie this year.  I'm so in love with both sets I can't tell you.  There's something about the simplicity and beauty of the good ol' granny stitch that I come back to again and again.  It's hard to beat in many ways.

I'm excited to say that this is a nice and easy pattern.  Definitely within the grasp of someone starting out of their crochet journey.  You'll be working in the round so it's a good first pattern to try that out if you haven't already and the mitts don't even require any shaping.  The cowl does but of course I've included photos to help so this is a great first project for that too.

I've completely been inspired by my imaginary granny for this one.  Actually, it's the me of the future.  When I think of Future Me, I'll be living in this cute little house, with a small cottage garden.  It probably has roses.  I've been imagining  Future Me happily pottering around the garden, tending the plants, snipping a dead head here and there.  After a while, I'll probably go inside, make myself a hot chocolate and go and sit by the warming fire for a bit.  I expect I'll do some crochet too, that seems quite likely.

That's where these colours have come from in my mind's eye, Granny's Cottage Garden and Granny's Home Fires in my most favourite vintage feel colours.  Yes these sets really do make me very happy indeed!

One of the other snags with being so slow to get my patterns up to snuff is that Miss Debbie of the Bliss changes some of her colours quite frequently and one of the colours I've used, Amber, has now been discontinued.  A bit of a blow, but I've found a brilliant replacement.  If you'd like to use the Baby Cashmerino colours I'm going to recommend that the Amber is substituted with the Primrose.

Here's some pictures so you can see how it'll look.  Originals above, palettes with primrose below ....

I actually really like it with the paler Primrose.  Possibly... maybe... even more than my originals.

I've included all the colour information you need in the pattern and I've also made up a little row by row guide for you so you can plan out your own colour scheme if you want to.

If all that wasn't enough, because in January the purse strings are usually being held a little tighter, because it's my birthday month and I'm happy, and also because it's started become a little tradition of mine, there's also a lovely 20% off for the first week.  Yippee!

I do hope you'll like it and enjoy making yours!

: :

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