Happily Tinkering

I feel I've been neglecting this space a little of late.

It's mostly because of the podcast crush I have going on at the moment.  It's hard to do everything and it's really, really hard to hook, knit or sew up enough projects to feed them both in equal measure.

But today I've been giving the old place a bit of TLC because, surprising and shocking though it is, Blogger have released a sparkling brand new set of themes!  This aged platform may well be feeling a little tired and careworn but it's home to so many of our beloved blogs and I've been resisting the increasingly pressing need to find a new home because I feel quite comfortable with it's familiarity.

So for me, this little update is most welcome and it seems like it will solve most of my bloggy problems for a bit.

: :

I used to be someone who was fairly frequently giving the old place a little update or tweak here and there, but it's been quite a while since there have been any changes around these parts.

That's mostly because a little knowledge is a dangerous thing and although I know enough to have added a fair amount of custom CSS and have even dared to traverse the scary dark ravine that is 'template editing',  I don't really know enough to fix it if it all goes horribly wrong.

The little changes and amendments I've heaped on top of each other have been adding up over the years and it was beginning to feel like the whole thing was teetering precariously, leaving me afraid to touch it in case the whole thing came tumbling down.

: :

But now it's out with the old and in with the new and it feels like a little bit of a fresh start.  I've got a pristine new template running the joint and a whole rake of new options and choices to pick from in the theme menus.  Happy day my friends.

You know, I didn't realise quite how much I seem to actually enjoy this hour wasting activity of trying new colours and fonts, fussing over layouts and trying to make everything just so.  I turns out I've missed it.  I've certainly missed doing it all so easily that's for sure.

So here we are, sitting in my shiny new pad and I think I like it.
I'm certainly enjoying having a change.  It's more up to date and of course, it's more white, but I hope that'll just make the colours sing a little more.  Best of all, you can now enjoy the new theme from the comfort of your mobile device, which is a big relief to me as Goggle was constantly nagging me about the previous site's lack of 'mobile compatibility'!

So, I hope you'll enjoy the new look and that you'll find your way around ok.  I think it'll at least be easier to read everything.  Larger and bolder fonts are the order of the day.  It's the devices, they demand it, but that really is no bad thing.

There are still some bits and pieces that are looking a little funky, I haven't fine tuned everything I want to just yet.  Oh and I've still got 'Crochet Corner' to do, but I'll be getting to that before long I'm sure.

In the meantime, please do let me know if you are struggling to find anything or something's not working as it should, I'd be most grateful.

Now, let the tinkering commence!

S x

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