Victoria goes to the USA!

Goodness me, it's a whole year since the release of this 'fine lady' of a shawl on my blog. Where does it go, eh? Well, a year passing means that this is an anniversary of sorts and that is a timely excuse for a little update to this pattern.
Well, more an addition to the pattern rather than an update in actual fact.
I've been working on getting some of my crochet patterns translated from my usual UK terms to something a little more familiar to those of you across the pond, US terms.
It is a strange anomaly that we have this dual system of names and abbreviations in the crochet world and one that we have for the most part learnt to live with. I suppose in the pre-internet days it wasn't even much of a cause for concern really, but in these globally connected times this little quirk can make us stop and pause.
To make life a little more easy for everyone, no matter which diet of crochet terms you have been brought up on, I've created two versions of the pattern for you, so you now have a choice of UK or US terms available to download.

If you've already purchased the pattern, you'll be able to download the US version at no extra cost. The update messages will be going out today and should be with you shortly.
And if you haven't got a copy but are feeling emboldened by the idea of terms you feel more comfortable with, you can pop over the the pattern page using the link below:
Now available in UK and US terms
I hope you enjoy and I'd love to see what you get up to...
S x