A cowl and a winner!

Do you remember this yummy piece of squishy loveliness?

 I spoke about it in this post, it's the scarf I was making from Marianne Dekker-Roos' lovely new book, Colorful Crochet.  
(I'll also be announcing the giveaway winner in a mo, so do stay tuned!)

I had great fun crocheting up this pattern and the only thing I really have to grumble about is the fact that it didn't last nearly long enough.  Totally my own fault but I ran out of yarn.  I'd grabbed some of the lovely Scheepjes Merino Soft that I had left over in stash and started stitching before actually thought to see if I had enough to complete the job.  It'll come as no surprise that it turned out that I was woefully short.

I could have ordered more of course, but a little notion popped up in my brain that would solve the problem another way and it seemed too good to waste once it had occurred to me.  So I ended up turning this scarf into a cowl.  The length I'd made in the colours that I liked gave me just the right around the neck kind of size.  A few slip stitches to make a simple join from the last row to the first and I was done.

It feels amazing to wear, as silky and as soft against my skin as I could wish for and as puffy and warm as I'll need when the Autumn comes rolling around again.  I'd definitely make this lovely pattern again, although I might well check I've got enough yarn before I start next time.

: :

A Winner is Announced!

You might also remember that Marianne very kindly let me offer you lovely people the chance to win a copy of this beautiful book to enjoy too, and so I'm very happy to tell you that a winner has been selected, and the prize goes too...

Hannah Thorley

Congratulations Hannah

If you could send me a message with your details and I'll get that prize winging it's way to you!

S x

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