Spun Gold

Like a crocheting Rumpelstiltskin, I've spun myself some gold!

Many of you will no doubt recognise this fabulous pattern by the very talented Kat Goldin of The Crochet Project fame.  I've had my eye on it for a while and while Sam (of Betsy Makes) and I were at the Edinburgh Yarn Festival I nabbed myself a copy of the pattern.  The pattern is called Spun Gold by the way, hence my (very hilarious) opening line.

I actually made this project a while ago, in May according to my Ravelry page, after finishing up a bit of a large piece of commission work.  I was looking for something that would be quick to whip up for instant gratification and also simple to soothe my brain.  This turned out to be just the thing, a beautiful little stress free project before I tackled anything else.

I loved making it, the formula for the repeat was nice and easy to remember and those lovely long stitches meant that progress was swift and satisfying.  It was a joy and it only took me a couple of evenings from start to finish.  I should make zippy projects like this more often, they feel so good!

The other immensely pleasing aspect of this little endeavour is the yarn I used to make it.  It's this utterly amazing yarn which I got from The Travel Knitter at Festiwool a couple of years ago.  I always remember the first time I saw Larissa's stand there.  It looked so inviting, her colours are so rich and sumptuous and the way the yarns were displayed was so appealing.  Her presentation of everything was, and is, just so beautiful and perfectly in keeping with her travelling knitter story.

Anyway, the yarn is called Tanami, which is a 4ply camel/silk blend, and feels like the most buttery, soft and gorgeous hank of fluffy deliciousness you'll ever hold.  I had a skein in the Sand Dune colour and I've been hoarding it and loving it in my stash, waiting for the day I found the perfect moment to use it, and this was most definitely that moment.

I don't think I could have used this precious yarn on anything else and it really put the figurative cherry on the cake of my crocheting enjoyment of this project.

So the perfect yarn, on the perfect project at the perfect time.  I hit the crochet jackpot!

Spun Gold by Kat Goldin of The Crochet Project

Tanami in Sand dune by The Travel Knitter

S x



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