Some Autumn Things

I hope it's not too late for a little Halloween and autumn chatter?

Here the weather has gone cold, dark and miserable and with the clocks having gone back, there's a distinctly wintery feel about the place now.  Having said that, we are also still getting some cracking beautiful days with brilliantly clear blue skies too, so I won't go into full hibernation mode just yet.

It's been a strange couple of weeks though.  The schedule has been pretty full and yet there have been patches of mildly frustrating inactivity.  Knowing I have lots to do but being unable to do it.  Little Miss will be off to Upper School next year and so we've had numerous open evenings to attend and decisions to make.  Then she was ill and off school the week before half-term, followed by half-term itself of course, and now it's the next round of open evenings, this time for the children coming up to her current school and oh goodness, another school trip is looming on the horizon that needs preparing for too.  Blah! 

It's made things seem busy here but I've not felt especially productive.  Although looking back at these photos today, it seems I do have a quite a few things to show you, so maybe I've done more than I thought.  Sometimes this blog is very handy for that, it's easy to forget these little accomplishments in the rush and bustle of life.

I've started to tick off some of my last commissions for the year and although there is much computer based business still to do, my hooks and needles are free of 'must makes' for the time being, which feels rather lovely.  It has brought on a potentially dangerous bout of startitis though that I'm fine with at the moment, but will no doubt begin to overwhelm me before too long.

It has meant that I've had the pleasure of indulging in a few autumnal whims, like a very simple leaf garland for the mantle and some squishy pumpkins for the hearth.  The autumn leaves made use of this oak leaf and an adapted version of this maple leaf pattern, plus a few simple oval-ish style ones that I just made up as I went along.  I really enjoyed hooking the different leaves up in a selection of colours but was feeling far too lazy to put much work into garland construction to be honest, so I simply tied the ends to a length of yarn and left it at that.

The pumpkins came from this pattern, which is one I've used before, years ago when I made up a few mini pumpkins.  This time I wanted something a little bigger so I just switched to some lovely aran and chunky yarn.  The big one at the back is made with two strands of chunky held together.  I love the sploggy mottled look of it.

The autumn vibe has been strong in the air this year though and at the same time as I was making these, lovely Lucy (of Attic24, obvs) was also whipping up a selection of gorgeous crocheted pumpkins and has made a stunning autumn garland too.  We were joking about having exactly the same creative thoughts at the same time, but actually I wish I'd seen her garland and pumpkins first as hers are glorious and totally inspiring.  

She has given both her projects her usual magic touch and has little berries and acorns together with the leaves on the garland and the pumpkins are just amazing.  (I'm sure you've seen, but here's Lucy's garland and the pumpkins.)  So good right?  I couldn't quite bring my (still lazy) self to dig out the already buried yarn again to make some more for this year, but it's on the list for next year for sure!

Well, I think that is all for now, I will leave you with a few other random photos from the last couple of weeks.  Some colour, some cozy crochet, the annual pumpkin carve and of course, a super dog!

S x

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