Sparkly Snow and a Warm Cozy Glow

It's probably no secret that I kinda love this time of year.  Not so much the winter season itself, which in this country just tends to be dark, damp and dank but the festive weeks I do enjoy.  The twinkly lights, the glittery decorations, the yummy food and the anticipation and excitement for the little ones brings me an awful lot of pleasure.

So the fact that December has rolled around fills me with much more joy than anything else.  Although I do still have a few presents to finish and parcels to send off weighing on my mind to add a slight frisson of tension to proceedings at the moment.  Not to mention all the presents to wrap!  Still, with no Christmas Day to organise, (lucky me, we are at my sister's this year!) it is all eminently achievable stuff which is rather nice.

Every once in a while though, even in grey old Blightly, we do manage to pull out the stops and summon up some weather rather more fitting for this season and produce some snow.  Normally, where I live at least, it comes after Christmas if at all and as we really don't cope well with snow in this country and everything tends grind more or less to a halt, it isn't usually greeted with much enthusiasm.

Rather wondrously this year though, we woke up on Sunday morning to find a flurry of flakes had fallen in the night and that beautiful white blanket had covered the landscape.  Is there anything better than waking up to a white snow covered world?  It's still feels rather magical to me, it takes me right back to how I felt as a child, should this rare event ever occur.

Being a Sunday, the roads had been fairly unused and going anywhere was out of the question, so there was only one thing to do...  Or rather three.  Build a snowman, have a snowball fight and go sledging.  We bundled up and had a go at all of them!

The first two were very successful, the third less so as there are a lack of suitably steep hills to chuck ourselves down within walking distance.  But we gave it the old college try and with a little pushing and shoving, some sliding was had.  Unfortunately the photographic equipment had given up the ghost by that point, so the pictorial evidence is slim.  The cold fingers and wet bottoms were sure signs though.

Of course, the best thing about going out into the cold, is going home and getting warm again.  Nothing feels quite as good as sitting in front of the fire, candles glowing, Christmas lights shining, feeling snug and warm wrapped in fluffy, wooly goodies and sipping a nice hot coffee.  Especially with a nip of Bailey's to help things along.  Or perhaps you'd prefer a hot chocolate?

So the afternoon was spent enjoying the comforts of home.  Christmas films, cuddling on the sofa.  Nibbles and warm drinks to treat ourselves just that little bit more.  It probably goes without saying but it also included lots of lovely crochet time for me.  Lovely, comforting, cozy crochet is the icing on the cake, or maybe I should say the fairy on the Christmas tree, of afternoons like this for me.

Yes, any kind of winter, be it a glorious white snowy one, or a dismal and dank one, is vastly improved by a warm cosy glow of flickering light, something snuggly to wear and a nice relaxing project little wooly project to work.

That's some perfect hygge happiness.

S x


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