Yay, I did sewing....My Tombow pencil case

I gave a little sneaky peak of this case in my last post about "Bullet Journal Extras" (where I talked about the stationary and other bits and bobs I like to use for my bujo)  and I hope you won't mind, but I thought I'd share some more pictures of it with you now.  It's just that I'm so excited to have a little sewing something to show at last!  I also thought it'd be nice for you to know what happened to all those fabrics I shared in my Flashpost | 3 the other day too.

One of my 'intentions' for last year was to get myself back to my poor neglected sewing machine but somehow that just didn't seem to work out, so I'm trying again this year.  I'm pretty pleased with this as a starting point as it's something I really needed and of course, I got to have fun playing with fabric again.

I wasn't quite sure how best to make this because it's although it's  just a pencil case really, I needed it to be quite a big fat one and I also wanted to be able to see all those colours clearly and access them easily.  Something that's not always so straight forward with a standard style pencil case, as you can't always see the ends until you pull everything out.

So, although a drawstring top probably wouldn't be the best way to go if these pens were going to be chucked in a school bag or some such, I think it'll suffice for me just moving it from a to b around the house and up to my garden craft room and back.  I went for that style because I thought I could open it up nice and wide and it'd be the best way to see all those lovely colours all in one go.  I also wanted to be able to fold the top down so I could not only see them all, but access them nice and easily too without getting everything out.

And, I'm glad to say, that seems to be working ok.  I tend to sit in my cosy chair in the living room when I have a bit of bujo time, so I can just open this up and prop it up beside me and peruse all those lovely colours while I faff around at the non-essential colouring and doodling side of things that I enjoy so much.

But then again, I tend to find non-essential faffing is fairly essential, especially when it comes to making me happy.  What about you?

S x


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