
I've been rather distracted lately.  My February promised to be a busy month, full of lots of comings and goings and it hasn't disappointed I must say.

It's been full of lots of good things though.  A trip up to see Stylecraft for the latest Blogstars meet up,  a really fun afternoon of yarn dying with my fibre friend Sam (Betsy Makes) and to cap it off nicely, my first ever trip to Unravel.  Pretty exciting stuff and more on those things will be coming.

But add in there a half-term, a birthday, a few secret projects and some trips for DH too and you've got a fairly packed few weeks.  No wonder I have that dazed 'where did the last month go?' look on my face right now!

You'd think I'd have lots of wonderful tales and pictures of all these goings on to share with you but I'm afraid when the going gets busy my 'recording things for the blog' instinct seem to fall by the way side and so there seems little to show for all the recent shenanigans.

We did spend the half-term week as complete a utter sloths though, Little Miss and I.  It came just when I didn't want it.  Just when I was on the most fantastically productive roll.  Feeling like I was really firing on all cylinders and ticking things off the list like a nobody's business.  Then the week of half-term and enforced relaxation came around and I wasn't really up for it at all.  But my small person seemed rather more worn out.  She was reluctant to leave the sofa or exert herself even enough for the rigours of getting dressed, so in the end, I embraced it.

I used the time to get some other 'off blog' things done and so all was not lost.  But I am now struggling to switch modes again and am feeling all behind and unsettled even though I'm supposed to be back in the routine.  Oh well, it shall come to me no doubt.  In the meantime, I shall offer up what poultry selection of images as I have gathered.

I hope you are feeling a little less dumb struck than I am right now?  Are you hitting your stride and getting on with things little more than me at this moment?

I dare say I'll catch up, but for now, you go on ahead.  I think I'll just sit here for a little bit longer...

S x

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