They come in threes...

I'm not really a superstitious type, but sometimes I do have to wonder what fate is up to.
This week's woeful misfortunes include...

 1 shrunken lamb's wool jumper of Husband's (expensive!)
1 iPhone in the toilet (potentially* very expensive!)
1 broken plate (not cheap, but not half as expensive the other two!)

Ok, a little care and attention might (would) have prevented all of these I dare say.  More effort to read washing instructions, not putting my phone in my butt pocket constantly and taking care when getting china out of the cupboard are all easy and sensible precautions I foolishly didn't take, I admit.  But personally I think darker universal forces are at work.

I hope that now they have had their wicked way with me they will be moving on to torment the next poor soul in line.  Sorry, poor soul, whoever you may be!

Aside from all this disturbing phenomena though, exciting preparations are afoot.

Easter is coming and so I have spent a little time this morning getting ready for tomorrow's choocy hunt for DD.  We are holding it a little earlier than normal this year as we'll also be preparing to go off on a big trip across the pond to California this week.  

The trip Stateside will be our annual holiday this year, also coming early to co-incide with a family wedding and I am most definitely looking forward to getting out there and enjoying a little warmth I have to say.  So there is much to be positive about.

That will show those universal forces what's what.

The reason for telling you all this is that things will be a little quiet around here for a while.  So until I am back and something like normal service resumes, I'll leave you with this tantalising picture of delicious choccy-ness.  Yum!  Did you get yourself an Easter Egg this year?

S x

*it's sitting in a bag of dry rice and silica gel as we speak.  I remain (possibly naively) hopeful!

Oh and in case you wanted to know...

There is a pattern for the little easter egg bunnies in the picture, both a crochet and a knitted version:

Huggie Bunnies (Crochet)

Huggie Bunnies (Knit)

: :


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