Weekend Interruptions
There are times when you can see inspiring posts and let them go. There are other times when you just can't. This was one of those times. A time where I had to interrupt my regular making schedule to slot in something else.
I'd been hit by a double whammy. First, the gorgeous Olivia's Shawl by Annette of Rose My Valley which I've loved watching her make on her IG feed (@myrosevalley). Then came these darling roses by Maaike of Crejjtion, on her IG feed (@Crejjtion).
Then take into account I'd been sent this lovely Luma yarn by The Fibre Co and that rolling stone is starting to gather rather a lot of speed isn't it? Rather then try and stop it rolling, I decided to go with the flow and indulge in a quickie little weekend project.
I didn't have enough yarn in any one colour to make Annette's pretty shawl, and I wanted to keep things simple, so I just selected a stitch pattern and used that to whip up a smaller, slim-line, crescent shaped little number.
I started with the 'Pearl River' colour first, as that was my favourite and hooked away, making the pattern wider, until I'd used up one ball, then I started the next ball and working my way back down to a point again. It did mean using a different colour for the border which, to be honest, I'm not wild about but I was worried about it being to short, so it was a case of needs must.

Now let's pause here in the shawl story for a moment to talk about this yarn. There's a lovely mixture of natural fibres in there... wool, cotton, linen and silk too. It's got a nice slight halo to it, is so very soft to the touch and has a lovely sort of worn and comfortable look and feel about it, like a pair comfy jeans. I was quite taken with it I have to say, but I did hesitate for a moment as I started working with it.
Running it through my fingers, there was an unmistakable (if slight) rustic feel about it too. I think it's the wool. Soft and squishy as it is to the touch, I could feel a little bit of bite from that wool. It's not really surprising, 50% of this yarn is made up of it but I hadn't even noticed that from my pre-crochet fondling.
Now, I am super sensitive to wooly wool and it's potential itchiness and so unless you are a delicate little flower like me I'm not sure you'd bat so much as an eye lid at this tiny texture. It is still one of the softest and squishy-ish wools I have ever touched, but I admit, it did make my itchy senses tingle a bit upon feeling that little something else in there. Especially given I was making a shawl...
But let us get back to the tale in hand. I had a shawl, and I wanted a flower. Now, Maaike hasn't got a pattern out for her rose yet. I believe she'll be adding it to her Apple Picking Shawl when it's ready, but until then patience was required. Patience I didn't have of course, so I set about making up my own. Not my best plan as it turns out, as mine isn't nearly as pretty or as shapely as her's are. I will definitely be getting her pattern when it's ready, but until then my 'attempt' shall have to suffice.
I decided to block my newly minted shawl, it was just a little to short to wrap nicely around the neck when coming off the hook and I was very much hoping that a nice warm bath would do wonders to soothe way that little remnant of wooly feel that I was getting.
Luckily I was right and it worked like a charm, on both counts. The size is just perfect now and I have happily worn this right next to my skin too. Seriously. Wool. On my skin! I'm actually amazed, I didn't think that was possible.
So all in all it should have been a very successful weekend's work. It did satisfy that creative urge. It did satisfy that need for a quick project. There's only one catch....
: :
After thoughts...
You know, reading through this post again now, it occurs to me that I also thought of making Maaike's Zomersjaal pattern when I was pondering this idea. But again, I didn't have enough yarn for that as that's a triangle shape too, which is a real shame as it would have worked so much better.
On top of that, looking at Maaike's pattern again now, so that I could link to it for you, I can see it actually uses a very similar (if not the same) stitch pattern that I've used here! Arghhhh.... Obviously that had sat in my subconscious, directing my creative eye as I looked through potential stitch patterns. (Sorry Maaike, it wasn't deliberate, promise!)
So much for my weekend quickie, I really should have waited.
Got more yarn maybe, waited for the proper flower pattern to be ready. (Sigh)
Her border is much better too...
S x