Toasty Twirls

Exciting news today everyone, it's time for a new pattern release!
Well, I hope you'll find it exciting anyway. I've been really looking forward to getting this one out into the world, but I must admit I've been dragging my heels a little too...
I think I've mentioned before that I always find pushing the publish button on a pattern release quite a big deal. It can't be done at any old time I find, I always need to be feeling quite brave. It's one of those moments you really have to 'psych yourself up' for. It seems I haven't been feeling all that brave just lately because I've found myself dithering.
But I really need to get myself together, stop finding reasons to procrastinate and take the plunge.
So here I am, standing ready with my Toasty Twirls socks to present to you.
What do you think?
I've designed these socks to be a great way to show off your most pretty and treasured hanks of yarn. The ones where you want to enjoy all those glorious splashes and speckles of colour and let them shine through and yet at the same time, you want a little something more than going round and round for a plain old vanilla sock. Something to inject a little interest into proceedings and mark off your progress along the sock.
That's exactly what I was after when I came up with these. I had a stunningly gorgeous hank of Warm and Toasty yarn by A Homespun House and I wanted to see all those colours dancing around in beautiful harmony and yet I do find the monotony of a vanilla sock a little too dull to bear. So a feature cable, one either side of the sock was the perfect solution.
I've also branched out a little this time with the sizing. This time there is a choice of three to choose from so hopefully there will be one to suit most feet from big to small.
So these are my 'Warm and Toasty' socks with added twirl!
by Sandra Paul
A sock pattern in three sizes.
For more details, see the link below:
Toasty Twirl Socks
I really hope you enjoy the pattern and having fun showing off your beautiful yarns.
I'd love it if you used the #CherryHeart tag to share your socks with me,
it's so good to see to you bring a pattern to life!
S x