Hibernation over

Obviously, it's been a little while now since the schools started back and the normality of regular routine returned, and yet I'm still struggling a little to come out of my summer hibernation.
I just went into that summer sleep a little too deeply this year and now I feel a like I'm stumbling around, rubbing my bleary eyes and trying to focus on what's in front of me.
Well, to be fair, that was probably last week. This week I think I've made it downstairs and am metaphorically shaking cereal packets, trying to find something to eat, wondering why everything is in a mess and urgently calling for coffee in a desperate bid to jolt myself into liveliness.
Ok, I hope you'll forgive a little artistic license on this one. I don't actually like coffee first thing in the morning and fear not, I have kept food in the house so my dependants will not starve. There's no need to alert the authorities after all. But it does paint you a bit of a picture of my current state of mind I dare say. Maybe you can even relate?
Maybe... I hope... please?
I feel like I woke up on Sunday morning, looking forward to a nice day with nothing more to do than sit on the sofa only to find out that actually 'it's Monday, so get your butt to work - NOW'. When really, all I want to do is have that day of rest I'd been planning. But that makes no sense, because the holiday has only just ended and I've had days of rest. Plenty of them! Is it just because too much of a good thing isn't much good at all?
Although there was definitely a shift in the holiday dynamic this year. Normally we go away for start, whereas this year we went away in Easter, so no big event to look forward to. That was one thing. Then take into account the child... my Little Miss has ticked over into her teenage years this summer and like I had been warned, the change has come quite suddenly. She's still my pleasant little girl, the hormonal effects have been more gradual and we're all acclimatising to those ok. No, its the lethargy that's come as a shock. All of a sudden, we've gone from playing and doing to sitting and more sitting. I mean, I love to sit as much as the next person, (yay - crochet time!) But seriously, all day??
It turns out shifting a teenager off the sofa is a formidable challenge and one, I quite frankly, didn't always manage to rise to. Then there's the 'getting dressed' debate... I thought it might be a good idea, she couldn't see the point. Unless we were expecting company or leaving the house she regarded dressing as a waste of time that could be otherwise wisely spent on the sofa. Yikes, the parental ground is shifting yet again...
Watch out Mum, everything you know is changing again. Don't lose your balance, you'll need to keep on your feet and find a way to navigate through this strange new land!
Always interesting I guess. Always something to learn. In the meantime I'm clawing my way back to 'doing' again. I haven't quite got back on the 'eating right' band wagon, and exercise isn't exactly my strong point at the moment either. But I am working, meditating, dog walking, generally trying. That's a start. I'm hoping the rest will follow.
S x