Merry Knitmas!

It is the day before the school holidays begin and so I thought I'd pop along here to offer you the greetings of the season and also wrap everything up and package the blog away for the year.

I've mostly wrapped and packaged my crafty projects away too.  That is to say, most of the things I've been working on lately seem to have come to a satisfactory conclusion and I'm left with just a couple of leisurely projects that I can work on over the holiday.  Knitting is the thing for me at Christmas.  It's where it all begin for me and so I'm always drawn to two sticks rather than one at this time.

This year I have some socks on the go (predictable) and I've also started a rather more ambitious project too.  A jumper!  I've been wanting to knit once for quite a while and although I'm filled with a fair amount of trepidation, I've decide to take the plunge.  I'm using The Weekender pattern with two yarns held together to create this rather spiffy marled effect.  I saw Candace show this off the same pattern using this idea on her Pinfeather's and Purls podcast and I was rather taken.

It'll probably take me an eon or two, but Christmas generally affords a reasonable amount of eons to be going along with so it seemed a good time to start.  I'm mostly just anxious about getting the thing to fit... it's high stakes when you put so many hours into it.  Fingers crossed eh?

Anyway, this seems like a wonderful time to thank you for sticking around for another year, for dropping by this blog, for watching the podcast, for all the lovely comments and messages you take the time and trouble to send me and of course for being so kind and supporting me in my pattern making endeavours.  It means so much!

As I mentioned at the start, I suppose we will be into the bright new beginnings of the New Year before another post pops along this way and so I also want to wish you all the very best for the season.  Whatever it may mean to you and however you choose to spend it, I hope you have the very best time, enjoy yourselves and of course, find a few of those precious moments for relaxation and yarny goodness.

Merry Christmas!

S x




PS - I'm so sorry but commenting on Blogger has been a bit hit and miss lately.  Please be aware that unless you see 'your comment will be visible after approval' after you press publish, I won't get your lovely message, which is sad.  If you are having trouble, you can leave your comment here instead.