Winter has arrived...

I'm trying to break my bloggy related writers block and to do so, I thought we might talk about these socks.  

So, these socks are made from some yarn that I got sent (free) from Knit Crate.  It's a worsted weight yarn and I suddenly decided that some nice, thick warm socks would be an excellent notion.

So, I cast on and this is how far I've got.  And, well, I'm not sure I really like them!  I'm not in love with how the yarn looks knit up, and I'm not really 100% enjoying the knit.  Using worsted and this more wooly wool makes for a stiffer fabric than I'm used to and it's all a little bit harder on the hands.

So, I stopped, and in a rather uncharacteristic way, I thought to myself 'to heck with that, I'll just frog them.'  Not my usual MO at all!  That was earlier this week.

But then the hard frosts came and now we have actual snow.  All of a suddenly worsted socks seem like a pretty fine notion indeed, they could be doing potentially essential foot warming work that other, thinner socks simply can't manage.  I need these socks now!

So do I continue or do I frog?  At this exact moment I've just convinced myself I need to continue, but maybe the snow will melt and I'll change my mind.  I seem such a fickle creature these days...

What do you think?  Keep Going or Start Frogging?

: :

In the meantime, it's cold and I'm staying snuggled inside.  I received this rather gorgeous 'Lay Family & Friends' Yarn Club package the other day (not free) and I'm dying to play with it, but sadly I have so many other things I need to do.  February's Friend was my pal Betsy Makes though, so I had to have it!  It's really hit the spot with me though, the gorgeous colours, comforting tea, chocolate and a candle.  It's like a survival kit!!

: :

I'm also sharing some of the frosty pictures.  I haven't got any of the snow yet, I'm afraid, but I particularly like the long crystals you can see on the bush with yellow leaves.

Also the difference in light colour in the first two pictures, taken in the natural light of the back garden and the second two pictures which were taken in the beautiful golden early rising sun falling on the front garden. Beauuuuutiful!

S x




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