Vintage Flowers Coat Hanger Covers
Hello everyone!
Just popping on quickly today to let you know that I did get this lovely little hanger pattern uploaded for you. Here's the linky if you want to fly straight over to see...
Vintage Flower Hangers
Of course, that opening doesn't make an awful lot of sense if you didn't watch my latest podcast yet (or if you don't watch them at all) as that's where I talked about these hangers!
I made these ones quite a while ago you see. I was in hanger covering mode and I chatted about them in this post....'More Hanging Around'. (Wow, five years ago.)
Then on the podcast, I had a question about them and the patterns I'd used and it reminded me that I'd be meaning to write up the pattern but hadn't got around to it. - Story of my life, right there!
Anyway, I decided that I would finally get that done and so I'm pleased to say, here it is!
I've ordered some more of the wooden hangers too, because I fancy whipping myself up some more. I really like the look of them and I used 100% wool, so they do seem to 'grip' the clothes quite nicely without pulling and poking things to much, which is always good.
Here's the link to the wooden ones I'm using, if you're interested...
Wooden coat hangers
(That's an affiliate link, just fyi!)
I'm going to try something a little new this time and so I'm only charging £1 for this little pattern for now. That's going to be an introductory price. The plan is, to have a play and come up with some more cute hanger ideas. If I do, I'll add those variations to this pattern too and price might change a little.
The good news is though, if you buy at this lower price, you'll still
be able to get any future updates completely free!
I'll pop the link below where you can get some more info on the pattern and buy a copy if you like. You'll also be able to see the price converted to your own currency too.
by Sandra Paul
#CherryHeart #VintageFlowersHangers
As always, I hope you like it!
S x
PS - I'm so sorry but commenting on Blogger has been a bit hit and miss lately. Please be aware that unless you see 'your comment will be visible after approval' after you press publish, I won't get your lovely message, which is sad. If you are having trouble, you can leave your comment here instead.

PS - I'm so sorry but commenting on Blogger has been a bit hit and miss lately. Please be aware that unless you see 'your comment will be visible after approval' after you press publish, I won't get your lovely message, which is sad. If you are having trouble, you can leave your comment here instead.