Nature's Walk CAL, Part 3

24th September - 12th November


I hope you are all enjoying the CAL so far, it's so lovely to see so many of you joining in with the fun and I've had some lovely messages about it so far, so thank you!

Part 3

I'm pleased to be able to share the third part with you today.  As with the first two weeks, we will be making a total of 8 squares this week.



Buds is our standard design, where this week the focus is on these lovely textural popcorn stitches.  You'll find the free download for this square using the link below.


And the bonus square* is Sunshine, which has a different start and radiating 'beams' of light.  This design is an exclusive to the yarn packs and will sent out directly by Black Sheep Wools via email.  To complete this week's part you will also need to download a copy of the free pattern using the link below.

I do hope you enjoy them!


Free Download

Nature's Walk Pattern Part 3


Share your progress...

Crochet Along with Black Sheep Wools


Nature's Walk CAL Thread


Useful Links

Yarn Packs at Black Sheep Wools
It's not too late to join in!

Nature's Walk Page
For more information and links

Read previous posts about this crochet along


S x

*Bonus Squares
These are exclusive to the yarn packs for the duration of the CAL.
After the exclusivity ends, the squares will be released on general sale, probably in the New Year. 

Update - 14th October 2019
Unfortunately after careful consideration, we have had to cancel the Nature's Walk Meet Up planned to take place at Black Sheep Wools.  I'm so sorry to anyone who was looking forward to the event.  If you have purchased tickets for the Afternoon Tea, Black Sheep Wools will be contacting you directly.


PS - I'm so sorry but commenting on Blogger has been a bit hit and miss lately.  Please be aware that unless you see 'your comment will be visible after approval' after you press publish, I won't get your lovely message, which is sad.  If you are having trouble, you can leave your comment here instead.
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