Nature's Walk CAL, Part 5

24th September - 12th November


Part 5

We are progressing nicely through the CAL now, and have been introducing new elements along the way.  This week, we'll be doing something a little different we'll be closing up the gaps in some of the corners to help create the patterns in these squares.  So do check the start, end and corners of each round for changes...


N O R T H   S T A R

North Star is our free pattern this week, which has a bold and striking shape. You'll find the free download for this square using the link below.


And the bonus square* is North Star, with a nice clear spring like petal shape.   This design is an exclusive to the yarn packs and will sent out directly by Black Sheep Wools via email.  To complete this week's part you will also need to download a copy of the free pattern using the link below.

I do hope you enjoy them!


Free Download

Nature's Walk Pattern Part 5


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Crochet Along with Black Sheep Wools


Nature's Walk CAL Thread


Useful Links

Yarn Packs at Black Sheep Wools
It's not too late to join in!

Nature's Walk Page
For more information and links

Read previous posts about this crochet along


S x

*Bonus Squares
These are exclusive to the yarn packs for the duration of the CAL.
After the exclusivity ends, the squares will be released on general sale, probably in the New Year. 


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