Nature's Walk CAL, Part 8

24th September - 12th November


Part 8

Hello Nature's Walkers!  Today I'm here to share the very last part of the pattern with you and I can't quite believe how quickly this CAL has flown by.  It's been so wonderful to share this with you all and enjoy watching you bring your own blankets to life over the weeks, it's the best thing!

It was so good to see the blankets start to shape last week with the joining and I find I always really enjoy working on the border of a blanket.  It's the home straight and when the end is in sight it feels like something to be savoured.  Plus the fact I do love a pretty border which frames and shows off a blanket in all it's glory and I think that this border is one of those ones.   (She said modestly!)

Anyway, I hope you enjoy putting the finishing touch to your blankets as much as I do and I can't wait to see your projects complete and in all their glory!

Not the end...
Although this week marks the last week of the 'official' part of the CAL, things won't really end there.  The Black Sheep Wools Facebook group will remain open, and I'll be keeping my Ravelry thread open too, and of course you can continue using the hashtag any time you want to post your Nature's Walk related pictures.

There are always lots of people who don't have time to keep up with the CAL pace, and those that start working on their blankets half-way through or even towards the end of the CAL, so you won't be alone if you aren't ready for the border yet.  The good news is that the free pattern will stay available, so there's alway plenty of time for you to join in when you are ready.

Bonus Squares...
There are also some of you who are waiting for the bonus squares to be released on sale separately before you complete your blankets, and so I'll be looking forward to getting that pattern release all ready to go in the New Year for you.

It'll be great to revive the CAL spirit again in January and see a fresh crop of completed blankets coming through and I think it will be a great way to beat the winter blues too, so I'll get the release ready to go as soon as I can!

: :



The standard pattern includes all the remaining information you need to add the decorative border and complete the blanket.  You'll find the free download for this part using the link below.

(There is no bonus part* needed for this week.)


Free Download

Nature's Walk Pattern Part 8


Share your progress...

Crochet Along with Black Sheep Wools


Nature's Walk CAL Thread


Useful Links

Yarn Packs at Black Sheep Wools
Join in the fun, or make at your own pace

Nature's Walk Page
For more information and links

Read previous posts about this crochet along


S x

*Bonus Squares
These are exclusive to the yarn packs for the duration of the CAL.
After the exclusivity ends, the squares will be released on general sale, probably in the New Year. 


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