Monthly Musings - March
My Easter Bunny Socks |
I do recall doing a few 'sorting out' type tasks around the house early in the month, simple clearing out and tidying jobs. On the making front, I know the 'Big White Beast', or the Bright Star Blanket as I eventually ended up calling it, was what I was doing most of the time in the first weeks.
Little Miss is in Senior School now and she discovered, much to her disgust, that they have dispensed with the simple pleasures of 'World Book Day'. So she and a few friends staged a minor rebellion of going to school 'dressed up' as Harry Potter characters. This basically consisted of printing out and wearing Hogwarts School House crests over their ordinary school badges and, in my Little Hufflepuff's case, stowing a secretive wand in her blazer pocket!
I've been continuing my bread baking and enjoying it, although I've had a few disasters too. I seemed to struggle with over-proving a few times. I'd been using the 'proving' setting on my oven which gave a little bit of warmth, and worked well to start. Then seemed to suddenly not to work. Not sure why that changed, but suddenly I was getting deflating or flattened loaves! I'm now proving outside the oven. It's taking longer but is at least working.
I don't actually have an awful lot else crafty on the go at the moment. No doubt like a lot of you, my mind seems to be too full of thinking about virus related complications, food shortages, and also home schooling. I'm lucky that I have a mostly willing and capable student, but the sheer volume of information, worksheets and instructions coming through is a little overwhelming. Some teachers send through a week's worth of work, other's have sent two. There are numerous different computer platforms to log on to and all in all it's quite confusing. We're starting to get a bit of a handle on things now though and I'm hoping it'll settle down and seem less daunting as we do more.
Making the most of the sun, however small the patch may be! |
On the plus side, the abundance of spring sun in the last week or so has meant I've was able to get out into the garden last weekend. I've been reading lately about how good gardening is for you, as exercise, as stress relief and in generally reducing anxiety. That seems like a good place to focus some energy right now.
I hope you are all coping with all that's being thrown at us right now and are managing to keep safe. Look after yourselves lovely readers.
Home School! |
Once a day dog walking |
S x