Rainbows and a Silver Lining

How are you keeping, Dear Readers?  Very well I hope.

I finally caught up with the rest of the UK and probably the world, when I realised that people are making rainbow pictures to put in their windows.  Like many makers out there, naturally my first thought was why draw one, when I can make one?

So in the last day or two, I decided I'd dive into my cotton scraps and see what I could rustle up.  I've got a heap of the Stylecraft Naturals yarn next to me from the other projects I've been working on lately, which was just begging to be used and I dug out some old Cascade Pima Cotton to supplement my rainbow colours a little.

I wanted to make a rainbow, obviously because that what this hopeful sign is all about, but I wanted to add something else to it as well.  As a rather pessimistic soul at heart (although I would call it realism),  I've always been quite adept at spotting the flaws in any given situation, but it's also been my practise for quite a while now to make sure that I always look for a silver lining in it too.

It's become rather a mantra of mine that there will be a positive (and often many positives) to cling too.  So for my rainbow hanging I wanted to show that aspect too by including a cloud with a beautiful shining silver lining and a happy sunshine peeking out to show that the clouds may come into the sky, but that they do also pass by.

I know there are plenty of rainbow patterns to be found online and so I won't be offering anything revolutionary or new here, but after posting a few of my crocheted pieces on Instagram, I did have some requests for the patterns for them.

So I've quickly written them up and am sharing them with you now.  I have included the rainbow, the sunshine and both of the cloud patterns too.  I ended up only using one of the clouds for my hanger, but I thought I'd include both types in the pattern case you preferred one style more than the other!

I hope you can find ways to look for the silver linings too, despite everything that is happening in the world at the moment and maybe get some enjoyment for making this little reminder to look for the positives to hold onto.

: :   S I L V E R   L I N I N G S   H A N G E R   : :

by Sandra Paul


Available in UK or US crochet terms

: :

UPDATE -5th April 2020

Just to let you know that there were a few errors in the original rainbow instructions.
I've updated the pattern and uploaded the corrected versions today!

S x

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