Hanging Plants
A while ago, I brought a little copper coloured plant pot. We'd had a little dinning room re-shuffle and my plan was for this pot to be filled with some lovely trailing plant and to lend a little interest to a rather plain corner of the room. Of course, being the organised soul that I am, I didn't actually get on with the hanging of the said pot, or even getting a plant to go in it. Then our dear friend Covid the Corona reared his ugly head once again and we were plunged into more lockdown time.
So, I thought that I might turn to a bit of green fingered crochet to solve my problem instead! I'd made a few crocheted plants before using Emma Varnam's book 'Crocheted Succlulents'* and whilst I still may go and get myself a real plant at some point, these will work well in the meantime and have the added advantage of being extremely hard to kill!
I love this book so much, in ways that are hard to explain really. A crocheted plant of any kind could be seen as a rather niche interest area, so the idea of a whole book just for crocheted succulents could seem obscure indeed! But be that as it may, this book is adorable and the plants are cute and quite frankly, brilliant! I don't have a hat on, but if I did, I should doff it to my lovely co-Blogstar Emma for such ingenuity.
Anyway, I flicked through the pages and came up with some lovely plants that I could use to fill my pot with. My first priority was something that would trail down the side of the pot, so I choose 'String of Pearls', and after rootling through stash, I came up with some Pima Ultra Cotton that I've had since the dawn of time and used a mix of greens to make my plant tails. Not especially authentic, but I kind of like the look nonetheless.
Then I fancied a go a 'Blue Waves' so I made a slightly furry one of those, using mohair held together with a random green 4ply mini that I had in stash. Then I thought I should have some height so I made a 'Carden Grande' with some Schjeepes Stonewashed. Once I had those together I still had a little space so I decided a 'Romeo Wax Agave' would fill the spot nicely and whipped that up with some more random green 4ply.
After the fun of the plants, making the 'soil' to sit in the pot and that the plants could be sewn to was a little bit of a drag though. I started off merrily enough with the of the Pima Cotton in a lovely chestnut brown, but progress was very slow and I wanted to get the plants in place. So as soon as I'd got down below the edge of the pot I switched to some chunkier brown acrylic yarn that I found and quickly worked the rest of the soil in that. Not the most professional method perhaps, but it was speedy and will never be seen.
And with that, my plant pot and my corner is filled!