The best laid plans...
So how has your year been so far? Mine got off to a lovely start. I’ve taken it slowly, gradually picking my way out of holiday mode and easing my way into the New Year. My birthday is early in the year so often allow myself a kind of ‘soft launch’ into the first month so I can enjoy the process and treat myself a little along the way.
I do usually get a little reflective toward the end of the year and I like to spend a little time thinking about what I’ve achieved (or not) in the year just gone by and my plans for the year ahead. Although I’ve never been one for resolutions, I do find goals and objectives quite motivating so in previous years I have often set out some things I would like to achieve or habits I want to instil.
This doesn’t always work of course, but as I enjoy this kind of thing, I find it often does work quite well for me. In recent years most of my ‘goals’ have become less targets to achieve and rather more 'vague directions of travel’ that I’d like to take, but nevertheless I find it can be useful to providing me with a little focus and something to aim for.
This year was no different and although I probably had my slowest and most gentle lead into it, once again I spent some time thinking about where I’d like to focus my efforts. The last couple of years I’ve been working on doing less rather taking on more, simplifying and attempting to reduce some of the more chaotic elements of my life.