Material Girl

If you read my last post, you'll remember me talking about ordering some fabric.  Well, it's arrived!

That picture does funny things to me.  Really heart skipping, heart swelling, 'overcome with the yumminess and fabricy desirability of it all' type things.  ...Sigh...

I had a real treat last Sunday morning.  Daddy got up with our Little Miss and I had a nice lay-in (luxury) and then, while I was eating my breakfast I had myself a jolly 'add to cart' session at this fantastic place (even more, divine, luxury), mostly from this area, but a few others too.

You see, extremely new to the quilting world I may be. With only one completed block under my belt, it's true.  But.  Already.  I 'have plans'!

I've been doing a lot of browsing on Flickr lately and mostly especially, I have been loitering around this group, oohing and aahhing quite a bit.  So yes, with quilt number one in complete and utter infancy, I am making plans for quilt number two!

Lets have a better look at my 'Farmer's Wife appropriate' fabric selections shall we?

Ummm, delightful!  Go ahead, click on it and make it bigger if you like.  :)

So, to these I shall add the somewhat meagre, but no less delightful, collection of suitable fabrics that I already own...

And now I've got a rather respectable and utterly wonderful to look at pile to sit on my shelf:

I'm not sure when I'll be able to get time to start this little fantasy project of mine.  Maybe after Little Miss is back at school?  Hopefully, once I've managed to get a bit further forward with the first quilt?

Still, I'm not unhappy to have to wait a little while before I have to start chopping these treasures up.  Every day I wait is another day I get to look at what's waiting for me.

I can live with that for a while!

S x
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