
Thats where the holidays have gone for me.  Flying by in a speedy whoosh and now, already, they are over.

With the exception of our holiday in France, which was a delightfully relaxing break, we seem to have been busy, busy busy.  We weren't back long from France when Little Miss had a mini holiday at Nannie and Grandad's to prepare for.  Home from that and there was a birthday on the horizon.

She's 8 now.  That's another 'whoosh' moment right there.  That first year of hers went slow.  It was a hard year for me.  I had a lots of doubts and uncertainty.  It didn't come naturally, as they said it would.  I learnt of course but that took time.  The second year, as soon as she turned 1 and we could communicate with words or even gestures everything became simple, I found my feet, I found my way and I felt like a real Mummy at last.  Since that first year, we've flown and time has flown.

Being 8 is about Lego, it's about camping in the garden, it's about pretty pink and purple girlie glitter but also about Superman, comics and Starwars.  It's about splashing and water slides, cartoons, xbox games, cuddling treasured fluffy toys,  singing made up songs out loud because you're totally engrossed in your imagined universe and most certainly about Hello Kitty.  8 is a very good age.

It's also, I think, a very good age for a trip to the magical land of Disney.  So we went there too.

It was a little bit of an impromptu decision really.  We've been saving up to do 'the Disney trip' for a while, not sure if it'll be a big American extravaganza or a slightly more local European trip.  As much as Hubs and I love and adore the good ol' US of A and are dying for a reason to go back, we decided that much of what is there to see and do would be wasted on our quiet, cautious and timid little girl.  Much better to put that trip back for a while.

So Disneyland Paris was our destination and it did not disappoint.  It has grown since I was last there, a frightening amount of years ago.  There is a whole other park now, 'Disneyland Studios' and between the two we filled our three and a half days of park time easily.  We did an awful lot of it, but not all and could have filled more days if it wasn't for the fact we were all so shattered.  It is fabulous visiting magical kingdoms.  Fabulous fun, but also fabulously exhausting and fabulously expensive.  I hope though, it'll be a fabulous memory for her too.


Oh, I was going to tell you about that picture at the top too, the yarn candy I popped in just to suck you into reading this post!  I had a little day of experimentation and crochet play yesterday and those were some of my toys.  Well, now that school is back I felt the need to take a well earned rest, put my feet up and enjoy and indulgent day of leisure and hooky time.

Now that the holidays are over I could use a break.

S x

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