Some more things...

This is my view at the moment.  Sitting on my bed, typing and staring past the screen to my Colour Theory Blanket beyond.  I was contemplating folding this winter warmer up and exchanging it for something a little lighter and spring-like, but although we've had beautiful blue skied days, we've also had chilly ones, so for now it'll stay and the Brick Wall Quilt will have to wait it's turn.

I've got a bit of a hotch potch of things to show you today.  I wrote a post about 'Some things' the other day and I quite enjoyed sharing things that are going on around here but aren't quite worthy of a post of their own.  So I thought I'd follow it up and show you 'some more things'.

Kind of like a 'now playing' of my life at the moment...

Grown Up Time

We've just been on a little weekend away to Yorkshire.  The excuse was the fact that I'm officially old this year (or my life has just begun, depending on who you listen to) and it was a lovely, relaxed time.  We stayed in a castle (!) between Leeds and York which was amazing, in a room, which was amazing and generally pottered about at a leisurely place.  We browsed in yarn shops, we admired old houses, we drank coffee and wandered the streets.   We also stuffed our faces.  Maybe we were lucky, but there seems to be good eating in the Leeds/York area, everywhere we went the food was delicious.

Starry Start

Any trip of a reasonable length these days means in-car crochet time.  I used the motorway miles to make a start on hooking up these stars.  I've been holding a slightly of a wacky imagine in my head for a sort of poncho, or maybe little cape type idea for a while now and even though it's a bit out there for something I actually intend on wearing, I just can't shake it.  So I'm going to have a go at getting it into reality.  
So far, I am completely in love with these colours and how it's coming out.

Alien Pods

It turns out that once you start buying tea pods, you can't stop.  I couldn't resist these larger, more alien looking ones from John Lewis.  Love the colours and the shape and they are so tactile.

Acts of Kindness

Sometimes people are extremely kind and lovely and they surprise you with their generous ways.
They deserve treats.

Who's peeking?

Someone is hiding on my mantelpiece.  I think maybe they should come out and play, ready for easter time don't you?  I'll see if I can coax her out to meet you all later in the week...

S x

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