
At last, it's almost Easter.  It feels like it's been a long time coming this year.  Partly because it's a late Easter but mostly because for us, it's right at the very end of the school holiday.

It has given us a chance to get the Easter tree sorted out in good time for once though.  I'm still very much enjoying the look of my fake branches from last year.  I got them from Dunelm Mill and they are not so authentic perhaps but they are certainly easier to deal with and to decorate.  My Hoppity rabbits are all strung up on the mantle too.  Their third outing so far and of course, the Huggie Bunnies are storing their treats, all ready for the weekend.

I thought I'd share a little of what we've been up to so far...


We're well into our second week now and we've managed to fit a lot in this time around.  My Little Ponies, Hama beading, gardening, days long games of Monopoly, swimming and the sun has meant some time outside too.  The park, assault courses in the garden and a new game, apparently called 'field dominoes'.  Which involves hiding our oversized foam outdoor dominoes around the garden and then hunting down a tile before you can take your turn.

Real Little Ponies

From the plastic play kind, to the real life kind, ponies have featured these holidays.  Little Miss has been for her first ride on a horse and she absolutely loved it.  It was kind of exciting for me too as it's something I did for a long time when I was young and enjoyed a lot.  She's been talking about the idea for a little while so this seemed a good time to try.

She was full of chatter about everything she'd done afterwards and immediately asked when she could go again.  So we've another ride lined up this week.  I don't know if it's something she'll want to stick at, but maybe the fact that Jessie is her favourite dress up costume is no coincidence!

A Plan Comes Together

My slowly progressing stars that I started last month, are now complete and the whole project is starting to come together at a rate of knots now that the more intricate part is done.  I'm now even further along than this photo shows and I am so in love with how the 'V' stitch part is looking.   It's coming out even better than I had imagined,  so I'm really enjoying working on this at the moment.

At Last

If you were here last summer you might just remember this Dancing Flowers Shawl that I was working on in the summer holidays.  I promised a pattern would be coming and I know that some of you have been waiting so very patiently for me to get myself together and get the pattern out to you.  Well, I'm glad to say that the cogs have been whirring in the background and I'm almost at the point where this one is ready to go.

My plan is to get the Loopy Lou Poncho finalised and released and then it will be full steam ahead on putting the last touches to this one, ready to bring out next month if all goes well.

That's all from me for now.  If you are celebrating Easter, I hope you have a lovely one and if you are lucky enough to get some extra days off like we do here, then I hope you enjoy those too.

S x

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