Little Loopy Lou
People, you are awesome! That's all there is to it.
I was filled with quite a bit of trepidation when I published about my last post, about my plans for Crochet Corner. I thought about not publishing it a couple of times actually, because I feared you'd all think I'd lost my mind or I don't know what, was just being too blooming ambitious I suppose.
But you were wonderful and supportive and fabulous, as you always are, and I am so glad you took the time to send me your encouragement and enthusiasm. Thank you, I really appreciate it.
It's the first week of our two week Easter holiday here, so not a lot has happened on the crafty front this week. We've been busy doing other things but the sun has shown it's face and allowed me to get a few shots of my second Loopy Lou Poncho.
I'd decided to make a second one for Madam, partly because this is the first pattern I've made in different sizes and I wanted to test out my calculations on a little girl version and partly because, well, she asked for one.
She wanted the same pink but we decided to use use some different contrasting colours in hers for a younger feel and also because it had to have purple in it, because that's her favourite. I just used some stashed Stylecraft for the pink and lilac and the blue was some duck egg colour I had left from ages ago.
The size turned out well I'm glad to say and I think all that brain busting number wrangling that went on when writing the pattern has actually worked out more or less ok. The pattern is with the testers at the moment, and they are doing wonderful work ironing out the chinks. So hopefully this little pattern will be ready quite soon.
My model quite got into the spirit of posing after a while, she does love something she can spin in, and the poncho is proving useful to throw on and throw off again on these changeable spring days too, so we're both happy with that.
Pattern: Loopy Lou Poncho by Me
Hook: 4.5mm (G/H)
Debbie Bliss Rialto Aran - Rose
Stylecraft Special DK - Raspberry & Lavender
Knitshop Simple Wool - Robin Egg Blue
S x