Small wins

Time is a precious commodity isn't it?

Something you really notice when you don't have enough of it anyway.  I'm settling in to the back at home routine much quicker than I thought I would and have even managed to make an impressive dent in 'Mount Washmore', which has taken a quite frightening amount of washing loads to reduce to a reasonable size.

It was my plan to have the lacy bunting pattern all ready to share with you today but I'm afraid it is not to be.  Little Miss will be 9 this week and as well and making the birthday a special one, there is also a Frozen themed sleep-over party (heaven help us!) to be planned for the weekend and these things take up an amazing amount of time it seems.  That's before I've even started on the dreaded birthday cake.  (I'm not a natural cake decorator - the 'birthday cake evening' is normally long and fraught!)

But enough of my whinging, you are probably in the same boat.  Maybe not exactly the same boat, maybe not a boat headed for 'Frozen' shores with a bunch of cheeky 9 years olds in it with you but you know what I mean I'm sure.  You have plenty of calls on your precious time too.

Let's push all that to one side, just for a little moment though shall we?  Let's instead, drink in those pretty colours above.  I don't know about you but every time I see them, I think of ice-cream.  Especially given my recent return from France where they have an ice-cream flavour called Schtroumpf, which apparently translates to 'Smurf' and is exactly that shade of blue, I kid you not!  I couldn't tell you what it is that Smurf tastes like though, I couldn't quite bring myself to try anything coloured bright aqua to be honest.

And also, while talking of the colours, I like to look at this cute little hot pad as it reminds me that quick projects can be just as satisfying to complete as the long ones.  Sometimes more so, because it feels like a small win and that's a nice thing to feel when the to-do list is growing faster than you can cope with.

I actually made this colourful chappie before we went away.  He's going to go and join his mates on my Pot Holder Wall soon.  (Potholder or pot holder?)  I'd like to have a nice collection of them all hanging there eventually.  That's going to grow very slowly, but as each completed pad feels like a bit of an achievement, somehow it doesn't matter quite so much.


Pattern: Crochet Flower Hot Pad by Free Craft Unlimited
Yarn: Rico Creative Cotton

My Ravelry Project Page

S x

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