
After my unsuccessful deliberation over what to do with the Noro yarn I got recently I was left in desperate need of some other reason to test drive the sleek Lantern Moon needles I got at the same time.  The answer was this gorgeous cowl pattern in some of the most wonderfully buttery soft yarn that I got on a birthday trip to Loop earlier this year.

I seem to using knitting more as a way to relax lately.  I can get a little fanatical about my crochet projects and so, when I really want to unwind and let the stress melt away, I'm finding knitting is the perfect thing to do.  So I was originally looking out for a simple pattern, something soothing, maybe just a tad mind numbing.  But what I found and then couldn't resist, was Eleanor by Audrey Knight. (Rav link)

Apart from looking lovely, it looks fabulously complicated but actually I still found it to be a relaxing knit.  It's clearly charted out for one thing, but it's one of the those patterns that has a rhythm to it, so you can tell where you are and what you should be doing next.  I really enjoyed it.

It helped that the yarn was some of the scrummiest yarn it's been my pleasure to use in a long time.   (Madelinetosh Merino DK - just in case you were wondering) It was one of those, 'I don't know what it's for but I have to have it' type purchases.  Which, as it was part of a special birthday trip and visit to Loop, I hope I can be excused for.   

I hope it'll be a great choice for a cowl though as it's one of those yarns you just want to smoosh your face into as soon as you touch it.  (I'm not the only one who gets that urge... right?)  Anyway, I'm thinking that having it snuggled around my neck this winter will be a real treat.

Not such an easy one to get a shot of though.  Especially not a 'showing the cowl clearly but not having me in it' type of shot, which is my normal preference, so I've had to resort to a 'selfie' I'm afraid.... scroll down if you dare!

♡     E L E A N O R   C O W L    ♡

Pattern:  Eleanor by Audrey Knight

S x

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