Lost my voice?

I think I might have lost my voice.  Not because of a seasonal cough or cold, I'm glad to say.  We had enough of those before Christmas.  No, it's my bloggy voice that I'm talking about.

I'd been meaning to come back here before now, as I usually would, and tell you how my Christmas and New Year was, show you the pictures I'd taken and tell you abut the things I'd been making.  But when the holiday ended and normality resumed, I found I didn't really have a lot to say.

Normally in such cases, I open up the camera and see what pictures I've taken.  They usually set me off on some path or other and everything works out.  This time, the camera was virtually empty.  It only really offered up the meagre affair above and the tales that picture might be able to tell I've already told on my podcast.

That's the thing you see.  Now I do podcast, I find my 'podding voice' is healthy and happy and my 'bloggy voice' is rather quiet.  That, together with an significant increase in using my phone to snap daily moments to feed to Instagram, rather than using my DSLR, means the blog seems to be loosing out.

I'm not sure how I feel about that.  At first I was sad because I thought I was loosing that record of my crafty makes and chatting to you all about them.  But actually, I am still doing that, it's just not taking place here as much as it used too.  Maybe that's ok.  I don't know.

I do want to keep blogging and being here now reminds me I do enjoy blogging too.
I just slightly fear I've got nothing left to say!

: :

On a more positive note, I thought I'd share some other pictures I found of 'Januarys Past' as a way of 'filling in' for the current lack of pictures.

I hope these are a little more enjoyable and maybe I'll have something more to share next time...

S x

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