Vintage Flower Hangers, updated!

I'm back with another pattern today!

I'm afraid my little blog has become rather neglected of late.  There has been nothing but pattern releases and show notes gracing these pages lately and just at the moment, whilst we are in the midst of summer holidays here in my part of the world, I'm sorry to say that trend is set to continue for a little longer.  Hopefully I'll have something more to offer you in the Autumn though.

In the meantime, if you have been watching the podcast you'll be abreast of the latest events going on at Cherry Heart.  The latest of which is a pattern update that I've been promising was on the way...

It's for some more rather cute crochet hangers.  I made and released a pattern for my original ones here back in May.  I was rather bitten by the coat hanger covering bug, so my intention at the time was to get some more hangers to update and update the pattern with any new designs I came up with.

And lo and behold, I'm now doing just that!

I've got four lovely designs to share with you now and you'll find details for each one in the pattern, which I've linked below.

You can stick to making them as I have, or you can mix up the pattern elements and select different borders, or embellishment and make a style of your own.

They only use small amounts of aran/worsted weight yarn for the covers and even less of the 4ply or sport weight yarn for the added extras.  A perfect way to just those last scraps to make something useful and so very pretty!

If you brought the original pattern, don't worry, you will get this new update absolutely free.  You've probably already received an email about it, or if not, you can just hope online to re-download your copy.

Otherwise, I hope these new designs may tempt you to try a little wardrobe re-vamp!

Vintage Flower Hangers

S x


PS - I'm so sorry but commenting on Blogger has been a bit hit and miss lately.  Please be aware that unless you see 'your comment will be visible after approval' after you press publish, I won't get your lovely message, which is sad.  If you are having trouble, you can leave your comment here instead.
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