Pattern updates

I'm glad to say that the school holidays have started here this week, although with a 'summer revision' plan in place for Little Miss and her looming exams next year, I'm not sure how much difference there will be from the home schooling schedule that we've been working from lately.

Still, with her beavering away at revision, it gives me a good reason to do something productive and so I thought I'd share a few pattern updates I've been working on.  Messing about sorting out my pattern links and purchasing options the other day got me into a kind of organising kind of mood so I've been working on updating some of my older patterns.  

For a while now,  my new pattern releases have been available in a choice of UK or US terms, rather than just UK terms, as I used to do originally.  I've wanting to go back and offer the same option for some of my older patterns too.  I'd already done the job on a few of them, like with my Painted Roses Blanket and Victoria Shawl.  Now I've started working my way back through some of the others.

US Terms

For a couple of them, it was the relatively simple task of just updating the terms.  So the first ones to receive a US update are my Diamonds and Tassels Shawl and my cute little Strawberry Scissor Keeper.

Diamonds and Tassels Shawl

Strawberry Scissor Keeper

US Terms and a Re-vamp

Then there were a couple of others where I felt that the pattern format needed bringing a little more up to date too.  I've changed things in my format over time and tend to standardise things a bit more these days.  I aim to try and be consistent and so where my patterns and arrangement of information is looking less in keeping with what I do now, I've decided to update it a little. 

So as well as adding a version in US terms, I've also done a little re-vamp on my Granny's Christmas Tree Skirt and on the Sophie scarf (or wrap).

Granny's Christmas Tree


: :

Where you've purchased these patterns previously you'll be able to access the updated versions by popping over to your Ravelry library or Love Crafts account and re-downloading. 

Or if you previously were interested in these patterns but were put off by using UK terms, I hope this will make them a little more appealing for you!

Where I've changed the format of the pattern, the changes are just cosmetic, I haven't altered the actual content on instructions at all.  (At least certainly not intentionally!)  But if you do spot any problems, just drop me a line and I'll look into it. 

I hope that's helpful for you, and I'll continue working away at some of my other patterns, updating those too.  If you've got your eye on any that you'd like to push to the top of the list, do let me know below!

S x

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