Spice of Life CAL 2021 | Part 1

How are you doing my lovelies?  I've finally made a start on my new version of the Spice of Life blanket and have been really enjoying dipping into the brand new 'Original Remix' pack colours, so exciting.

Original Remix Yarn Packs from Black Sheep Wools

As I'm sure you'll know by now, you can use the 'Original Remix' pack to follow the 'Original' colour change scheme as written into the pattern, or you can follow along with the version I'm making now where I'm going for a little colour 'Remix' and rearranging the colours in a new way.  

Or you can read my Spice of Life CAL 2021 | Original Remix Yarn Packs post, or watch my Spice of Life Original Remix Special podcast, where you can see the yarn pack and hear about the pattern in more details.

I've just got the colour changes listed here, so you'll also need a copy of the written pattern so that you can follow along.  There are two versions, a free download and a PDF file including some bonus content that you can buy.  Both versions are available here:

Anyway, let's get started with my 'Remix' colours for this blanket...

Start Rows & Section 1 - Grannies

I actually started out with the same first three colours of the blanket that the original had.  Obviously it appeals to me as much now as it did then!  After that things took a different tack though as I particularly wanted the Grannies to have a softer look.  Here's what I've done so far...


Start Rows
Starting Chain, Row 1 & 2 - Papaya Punch
Row 3 & 4 - Soft Pink
Row 5 & 6 - Toasted Almonds
Row 7 & 8 - Awesome Avocado 
Row 9 & 10 - Sugar Snap

S1 - Grannies
Row 1 - Clotted Cream
Row 2 - Vintage Blue
Row 3 - Double Denim
Row 4 - Vintage Blue
Row 5 - Clotted Cream
Row 6 & 7 - Heather
Row 8 - Mellow Yellow


These are going to take you through things step by step and have some great little tips in.
I'm hoping they will be nice and helpful, especially for beginners.

: :

Enjoy these first few rows everyone and I look forward to seeing your blankets emerge!

S x


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